
Jenga (Equity Bank) API Payment library for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir

Actions Status Hex.pm Hex.pm Coverage Status

ExJenga 💵 💷 💴 💶

Payment Library for Equity Bank's Jenga API in Kenya. Let us get this 💰

Table of contents


  • Send Money
  • Send Money Queries
  • Receive Money
  • Receive Money Queries
  • Buy Goods, Pay Bills, Get Airtime
  • Airtime
  • Reg Tech: KYC, AML, & CDD API
  • Account Services
  • Forex Rates


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ex_jenga to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_jenga, "~> 0.1.0"}


Create a copy of config/dev.exs or config/prod.exs from config/dev.sample.exs Use the sandbox key to true when you are using sandbox credentials, chnage to false when going to :prod

Jenga API (Equity)

Jenga API link: https://developer.jengaapi.io

Add below config to dev.exs / prod.exs files.
This asumes you have a clear understanding of how Jenga API works.

Read more about how the token is generted here: https://developer.jengaapi.io/docs/developer-quickstart .
The private_key is used to generate the signature. READ More: https://developer.jengaapi.io/docs/generating-signatures .

config :ex_jenga,
    jenga: [
        api_key: "=======API KEY HERE ========",
        username: "=====USERNAME HERE=====",
        password: "=======PASSWORD HERE =======",
        private_key: "=======PRIVATE KEY HERE ======="


The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_jenga.


If you'd like to contribute, start by searching through the issues and pull requests to see whether someone else has raised a similar idea or question. If you don't see your idea listed, Open an issue.

Check the Contribution guide on how to contribute.


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ExJenga is released under MIT License
