- Make a Github account if you don't have one already.
- Fork this repository
- Set it up as a Github Pages site:
- In your forked repository, go to the settings tab
- Scroll and press "Pages"
- There should be a selector menu, with the title "Source". Set it to Github Actions.
- Just below there should be an option that says Jekyll, with a button that says "Configure". Press that.
- Theres gonna be some code and stuff, ignore it the default is fine. Press the green button that says "Start Commit"
- Ensure that "Commit directly to the main branch" is selected, and press Commit new file.
- In your forked repository, go to the settings tab
- Navigate in your forked repository to "index.html", and look for lines that begin in
and end in-->
. these are comments, and they will tell you how to edit stuff and give clarifications. - To change background images, go to style.css and wherever you see
#slideX:before {
background-image: url("https://picsum.photos/1920/1080");
and then some other stuff here
replace that url with the link to your image. The :before is only there on some, it doesn't matter if its there or not for changing the background
- every time you commit to your repository (save) it will automatically update your pages site which can be accessed at your-account-name.github.io/repository-name
- to change slides you can either scroll, use left/right arrows, or pageUp/pageDown keys.
- Compatibility with KDE Connect has been added
- Press F to fullscreen