
A reporting tool for a database with news articles (Project 1: Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree)

Primary LanguagePython

Logs Analysis Project

A project for the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. This project is a reporting tool that connects to a database, analyzes logs, then prints out output.


  • Make sure the newsdata.sql file is in your current working directory
  • Load the data and create the database & tables:
    $ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
  • Create the views, using the commands listed in the section below
  • Run the python file:
    $ python reporting_tool.py

Views to Create

Please make sure to create the necessary views using the following commands (to be entered in the PostgreSQL command-line):

 * detailed_log: The Log table with the slug column added in
 * - Used to answer Question 1
 * - To be joined with the Articles table
CREATE VIEW detailed_log AS
    SELECT *, SUBSTRING(path, 10) AS slug
      FROM log;

 * author_slug: Slugs with the author's name & id
 * - Used to answer Question 2
 * - To be joined with the detailed_log table
CREATE VIEW author_slug AS
    SELECT name, authors.id, slug
      FROM authors join articles
        ON authors.id = articles.author
     ORDER BY id;

 * error: Days where errors were returned (# / day)
 * - Used to answer Question 3
 * - 'errors' column to be divided by 'oks' column in success view
    SELECT time::date AS date, count(*) AS errors
      FROM log
     WHERE status != '200 OK'
     GROUP BY date
     ORDER BY date DESC;

 * success: Days where successful responses were returned (# / day)
 * - Used to answer Question 3
 * - Divide 'errors' column from error view by 'oks' column
    SELECT time::date AS date, count(*) AS oks
      FROM log
     WHERE status = '200 OK'
     GROUP BY date
     ORDER BY date DESC;