Official implementation for NAACL 2024 paper "HILL: Hierarchy-aware Information Lossless Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical Text Classification".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HILL: Hierarchy-aware Information Lossless Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical Text Classification

Official implementation for NAACL 2024 paper "HILL: Hierarchy-aware Information Lossless Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical Text Classification". [arXiv]


Theoretically, our code is compatible with a wide range of Python environments. The experimental results reported in the paper were measured in the following environment:

  • Python == 3.7.13
  • numpy == 1.21.5
  • PyTorch == 1.11.0
  • scikit-learn == 1.0.2
  • transformers == 4.28.1
  • numba == 0.56.2
  • fairseq == 0.10.2
  • torch_geometric==2.0.4

[Warning] Bolded packages should be configured with the required version or the code will probably not work!!!

Data preparation

Please manage to acquire the original datasets and then run these scripts.

Web Of Science (WOS)

The original dataset can be acquired freely in the repository of HDLTex. Please download the release of WOS-46985(version 2), open WebOfScience/Meta-data/Data.xls and convert it to .txt format (Click "Save as" in Office Excel). Then, run:

cd ./data/wos
python preprocess_wos.py
python data_wos.py


The preprocessing code could refer to the repository of reuters_loader and we provide a copy here. The original dataset can be acquired here by signing an agreement.

cd ./data/rcv1
python preprocess_rcv1.py
python data_rcv1.py

NYTimes (NYT)

The original dataset is available here for a fee.

cd ./data/nyt
python data_nyt.py


Hyper-parameters need to be specified through the commandline arguments. Please refer to our paper for the details of how we set the hyper-parameters.

usage: train.py [-h] [-d {wos,nyt,rcv1}] [-mn MODEL_NAME] [-n NAME] [-s SEED]
                [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-lr LEARNING_RATE] [-l2 L2_RATE] [-l LAMDA]
                [-f] [--wandb] [-k TREE_DEPTH] [-hd HIDDEN_DIM]
                [-dp HIDDEN_DROPOUT] [-tp {root,sum,avg,max}]
                [-ho {bert,tree,residual,concat}] [-gc {GCN,GAT,GIN}]
                [-gp {sum,avg,max}] [-gl CONV_LAYERS]
                [-go {graph,tree,concat}] [--residual] [--graph]
                [--contrast_loss] [--cls_loss] [--multi_label]
                [--data_dir DATA_DIR] [--ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR]
                [--cfg_dir CFG_DIR] [--begin_time BEGIN_TIME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d {wos,nyt,rcv1}, --dataset {wos,nyt,rcv1}
  -mn MODEL_NAME, --model_name MODEL_NAME
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Name for a specific run.
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed.
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training (default: 16).
  -lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
  -gp {sum,avg,max}, --graph_pooling_type {sum,avg,max}
  -gl CONV_LAYERS, --conv_layers CONV_LAYERS
  -go {graph,tree,concat}, --graph_output {graph,tree,concat}
  --graph               Whether use graph encoder.
  --contrast_loss       Whether use contrastive loss.
  --multi_label         Whether the task is multi-label classification.
  --data_dir DATA_DIR
  --ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR
  --cfg_dir CFG_DIR
  --begin_time BEGIN_TIME

An example of training HILL on Web Of Science:

python train.py -d wos -mn hill -s 0 -b 24 -lr 1e-3 -k 3 -l 1e-3 -hd 768 -tp sum


The complete training and testing process is already encapsulated in train.py. If you wish to test a checkpoint of the model individually, please run test.py.

python test.py -n <NAME>  -e {micro, macro}

<NAME> should be the same as specified when running train.py


If you found the provided code with our paper useful in your work, please star this repo and cite our paper!

      title={HILL: Hierarchy-aware Information Lossless Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical Text Classification}, 
      author={He Zhu and Junran Wu and Ruomei Liu and Yue Hou and Ze Yuan and Shangzhe Li and Yicheng Pan and Ke Xu},