Code for ACL 2023 paper "HiTIN: Hierarchy-aware Tree Isomorphism Network for Hierarchical Text Classification"

Primary LanguagePython

HiTIN: Hierarchy-aware Tree Isomorphism Network for Hierarchical Text Classification

Official implementation for ACL 2023 accepted paper "HiTIN: Hierarchy-aware Tree Isomorphism Network for Hierarchical Text Classification" . [arXiv][pdf][bilibili]


It's hard to reproduce the results without the same devices and environment. Although our code is highly compatible with mulitiple python environments, we strongly recommend that you create a new environment according to our settings.

  • Python == 3.7.13
  • numpy == 1.21.5
  • PyTorch == 1.11.0
  • scikit-learn == 1.0.2
  • transformers == 4.19.2
  • numba == 0.56.2
  • glove.6B.300d

Data preparation

Please manage to acquire the original datasets and then run these scripts.

Web Of Science (WOS)

The original dataset can be acquired freely in the repository of HDLTex. Preprocess code could refer to the repository of HiAGM. Please download the release of WOS-46985(version 2), open WebOfScience/Meta-data/Data.xls and convert it to .txt format (Click "Save as" in Office Excel). Then, run:

cd data
python preprocess_wos.py

NyTimes (NYT)

The original dataset is available here for a fee. When you have fetched the original archive, Unzip the files and make sure that the file path matches the indices in data/idnewnyt_xxx.json. Here we post our bash script in nyt.sh , which takes hours to accomplish the preprocessing (You could manage by your own way).

cd data
bash nyt.sh
python preprocess_nyt.py


The preprocessing code could refer to the repository of reuters_loader and we provide a copy here. The original dataset can be acquired here by signing an agreement. It took us 1 day to receive a response.

cd data
python data_rcv1.py
python preprocess_rcv1.py

Conduct experiments on your own data

In HiAGM, an additional step is required to count the prior probabilities between parent and child labels by running python helper/hiearchy_tree_statistic.py. HiTIN only requires unweighted adjacency matrix of label hierarchies but we still retain this property and save the statistics in data/DATASET_prob.json as we also implement baseline methods including TextRCNN, BERT-based HiAGM.

If you tend to evaluate these methods on your own dataset, please make sure to organize your data in the following format:

    "doc_label": ["Computer", "MachineLearning", "DeepLearning", "Neuro", "ComputationalNeuro"],
    "doc_token": ["I", "love", "deep", "learning"],
    "doc_keyword": ["deep learning"],
    "doc_topic": ["AI", "Machine learning"]

where "doc_keyword" and "doc_topic" are optional.

then, replace the label name with your dataset's in line143~146 of helper/hierarchy_tree_statistics.py and run:

python helper/hierarchy_tree_statistic.py

Thanks to the superior framework open-sourced by NeuralClassifier. You could also implement other methods in HTC or propose your own model.


Hyper-parameters need to be specified through the commandline arguments. Please refer to our paper for the details of how we set the hyper-parameters.

To learn hyperparameters to be specified, please see:

python train.py [-h] -cfg CONFIG_FILE [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-lr LEARNING_RATE]
                [-l2 L2RATE] [-p] [-k TREE_DEPTH] [-lm NUM_MLP_LAYERS]
                [-hd HIDDEN_DIM] [-fd FINAL_DROPOUT] [-tp {root,sum,avg,max}]
                [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR]
                [--begin_time BEGIN_TIME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -cfg CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        input batch size for training (default: 32)
  -lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        learning rate (default: 0.001)
  -l2 L2RATE, --l2rate L2RATE
                        L2 penalty lambda (default: 0.01)
  -p, --load_pretrained
  -k TREE_DEPTH, --tree_depth TREE_DEPTH
                        The depth of coding tree to be constructed by CIRCA
                        (default: 2)
  -lm NUM_MLP_LAYERS, --num_mlp_layers NUM_MLP_LAYERS
                        Number of layers for MLP EXCLUDING the input one
                        (default: 2). 1 means linear model.
  -hd HIDDEN_DIM, --hidden_dim HIDDEN_DIM
                        Number of hidden units for HiTIN layer (default: 512)
  -fd FINAL_DROPOUT, --final_dropout FINAL_DROPOUT
                        Dropout rate for HiTIN layer (default: 0.5)
  -tp {root,sum,avg,max}, --tree_pooling_type {root,sum,avg,max}
                        Pool strategy for the whole tree in Eq.11. Could be
                        chosen from {root, sum, avg, max}.
  -hp HIERAR_PENALTY, --hierar_penalty HIERAR_PENALTY
                        The weight for L^R in Eq.14 (default: 1e-6).
                        Threshold of binary classification. (default: 0.5)
  --log_dir LOG_DIR     Path to save log files (default: log).
  --ckpt_dir CKPT_DIR   Path to save checkpoints (default: ckpt).
  --begin_time BEGIN_TIME
                        The beginning time of a run, which prefixes the name
                        of log files.

We provide a lot of config files in ./config.

Before running, the last thing to do is modify the YOUR_DATA_DIR, YOUR_BERT_DIR in the json file.

An example of training HiTIN on RCV1 with TextRCNN as the text encoder:

python train.py -cfg config/tin-rcv1-v2.json -k 2 -b 64 -hd 512 -lr 1e-4 -tp sum

An example of training HiTIN on WOS with BERT as the text encoder:

python train.py -cfg config/tin-wos-bert.json -k 2 -b 12 -hd 768 -lr 1e-4 -tp sum


If you found the provided code with our paper useful in your work, please star this repo and cite our paper!

    title = "{H}i{TIN}: Hierarchy-aware Tree Isomorphism Network for Hierarchical Text Classification",
    author = "Zhu, He  and
      Zhang, Chong  and
      Huang, Junjie  and
      Wu, Junran  and
      Xu, Ke",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.432",
    pages = "7809--7821",