
This repo contains code from the CRUD - express lecture

Primary LanguageEJS

CRUD with Express

Lecture Topics

  1. Review on how the internet works
  2. What is CRUD
  3. Building our cohort's favorite movies web app

Important to remember:

  • Every question is welcomed. Remember that your question might not be only yours. By asking your question, you help the group
  • To interact, you can either type on the chat or open your mic and talk
  • Do not compare your learning process with others. Rather, observe how today you know more than yesterday and create your own baseline


Review on how the internet works + CRUD

You can check the slides about this subject here.

Creating our Favorite Movies Web App

  1. Create an Express Server -> you can find more information on how to install it here
  2. Add nodemon so your server will watch for your changes. Otherwise, each time you make a change on your server, you will need to re-start the server
  3. Add ejs to allow you to create html templates
  4. Don't forget to add the body-parser so you actually access your request's body


  • <a>tags only work for GET request
  • <form>tags can be used both for GET and POST requests
  • how to pass info from your server to ejs: template variables