
Extremely Simple Kernel. Only Displays text on a dark screen. Will be expanded in the future.

Primary LanguageC

Bear OS

Michael's Basic Kernel

Very basic code writen from assembly, and C.


To use this you'll need QEMU, an emulation software, and Docker.

Using the OS

  • Run "docker build buildenv -t bearos-buildenv"
  • Next, run "docker run --rm -it -v "%cd%":/root/env bearos-buildenv" in side of Command Prompt, or you can run "docker run --rm -it -v "${pwd}:/root/env" myos-buildenv" for powershell. You must also be inside of the main kernel directory. Which sould be "Bear-Kernel"
  • Inside of the virtual terminal run, 'make build-x86_64
  • While still inside of the virtual terminal, run 'Exit'
  • Finally, you can run the command "qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom dist/x86_64/kernel.iso" to run the .iso file and a screen should popup with some text.

(Also, you may need to add Qemo to your path variable. The Qemu directory should be under C:/Program Files/Qemu)

There you go! You're now running BearOS in a virtual machine.