
Primary LanguageSMT

"IntCount" is an integer solution counter for linear constraints, or an integer point counter for convex polytopes. It employs new decomposition strategies described in our IJCAI paper based on a state-of-the-art coun- ter "barvinok".

IntCount relies on barvinok and GLPK. To build barvinok, it requires m4, GMP and ntl. The dependencies are in the folder "utils/".

To compile IntCount with barvinok and their dependencies, simply type:

sudo sh build_utils.sh
sudo sh build_barvinok.sh
make static

Note: it may take a few minutes to run two build shell scripts.

And test IntCount:

./IntCount test/5_1_5.in
./IntCount test/10_1_10.in
./IntCount test/15_1_15.in
./IntCount test/5_5_3.in
./IntCount test/10_10_3.in
./IntCount test/15_15_3.in

Note: the runtimes of test cases range from seconds to ten minutes.


  • Full benchmarks and binaries of IntCount, Barvinok and SMTCount.
  • For more details, see "experiments/README"