
A toolkit for #SMT(LA) problems

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


What is it?

sharpSMT is a tool designed for measuring the solution space of an SMT(LA) formula, It is licensed under the GNU General Public License. Intuitively, sharpSMT subdivides the solution spaces of SMT(LA) formulas into a series of polytopes, then it calls tools on polytopes and finaly sums the volume or counts up. In detail, it calls various polytope subroutines as the following.

Polytope Subroutine Functions Command-line Option
PolyVest Volume Approximation -p
Vinci Volume Computation -v
LattE Exact Integer Solution Counting -l
Barvinok Exact Integer Solution Counting -b
ApproxLatCount Approximate Integer Solution Counting -a
Vol2Lat Approximate Integer Solution Counting -v

This release includes the source codes of PolyVest, Vinci, ApproxLatCount (ALC) and Vol2Lat (V2L). The tool LattE and Barvinok are not included.


Name Description
bin/ Polytope Subroutines
src/ Sorce codes of sharpSMT
test/ Formulas for Testing
ApproxLatCount.zip Source codes of ALC
benchmarks.zip The complete set of benchmarks
build.sh Shell for building sharpSMT
makefile makefile
vinci-1.0.5.zip Source codes for a modified version of Vinci
z3-master.zip Source codes of Z3

Build status

This release of sharpSMT has been successfully built on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 on 64-bit with g++ 11.4.0

Building sharpSMT

  • Step 1: Make sure that g++ is installed on your machine (you can type "g++ -v" to check this).
  • Step 2: The functionality of sharpSMT is dependent on some other libraries: boost, glpk, and Armadillo.
  • Step 3: Execute:
sh build.sh
  • Step 4: Build and install LattE. Then move the executable files (count and scdd) into directory bin/. It is optional if you do not use LattE (-L) to compute the integer solution counts.

  • Step 5: Build and install barvinok. Then move the executable files (barvinok_count) into directory bin/. It is optional if you do not use barvinok to compute the integer solution counts.

Quick test, simply execute:

./sharpSMT -v test/f1_lra.smt2
./sharpSMT -a -w=2 test/coloring.smt

sharpSMT should pop up the help menu by "-h" command.

./sharpSMT -h

Quick guide for building on Ubuntu


sudo apt install g++ libglpk-dev libboost-dev libarmadillo-dev
sh build.sh


Please contact:

  1. Cunjing Ge (gecunjing@nju.edu.cn)
