
The web3 inject of bearby walet to access massa blockchain

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

bearby web3 library

Allows you to interact with the bearby wallet.


The main web3 module of bearby wallet.

The following table provides a description of each module and what you may want to use it for.

Package Version Description Dependencies
@hicaru/bearby.js npm Core abstractions and base classes, such as ContentProvider and network logic for interfacing with the bearby wallet.


$ yarn # or npm install

run dev mode

$ yarn dev # or npm run dev


$ yarn build # or npm run build

Quick Start

In your project:

yarn add @hicaru/bearby.js # or npm install @hicaru/bearby.js

import (this script works only in the browser!)

import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';


import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

web3.contract // the instance for read, call, deploy contracts
web3.massa // JsonRPC methods connection to nodes.
web3.wallet // main statements of the wallet


  • web3.wallet.connected the bool type, false if user didn't connected to website.
  • web3.wallet.enabled the bool type, false if wallet locked.
  • web3.wallet.account the account object, has methods and properties about current address.
  • web3.wallet.network the network object, has methods and properties about current network.
  • web3.wallet.connect() the method, after call shows a popup with website information, user can approve or reject.
  • web3.wallet.signMessage("any message to sign") the method for sign any messages, shows a popup about message info.
  • web3.wallet.signTransaction(params) the method for sending transaction to network.
  • web3.wallet.isMassaAddress The method validation of massa base58 address

Account observer:

import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

/// Emit everytime when address been changed, or changed wallet status.
const observer = web3.wallet.account.subscribe((base58) => console.log(base58));

/// To avoid memory leak don't forget unsubscribe!!!

Network observer:

import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

/// Emit everytime when network been changed.
const observer = web3.wallet.network.subscribe((net) => console.log(net))

/// To avoid memory leak don't forget unsubscribe!!!



import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

 const hash = await bearby.contract.deploy({
    fee: 0,
    maxGas: 4_200_000_000,
    maxCoins: 0.1 * 10**9,
    coins: 100000000n,
    parameters: [
        type: bearby.contract.types.STRING,
        value: "Hello, World!"
    contractDataBase64: "AGFzbQEAAAABKQhgAX8AYAJ/fbWFw"


import { web3, ArgTypes } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';
const hash = await web3.contract.call({
  maxGas: 2000000,
  coins: 0,
  targetAddress: 'A12KqAUVvPZAAybdmJijkKbynfJeDUsfztEUh8JCSx6DPjczdYLt',
  functionName: 'transfer',
  parameters: [
      type: ArgTypes.STRING,
      value: "Hello, World!"
      type: ArgTypes.BOOL,
      value: true
      type: globalThis.bearby.contract.types.F64,
      value: 32
      type: globalThis.bearby.contract.types.U256,
      value: '435435345234324324324323243242398854684'

import { Args } from "@massalabs/massa-web3";

const args = new Args()
  .addString("Hello word")
const hash = await web3.contract.call({
  maxGas: 2000000,
  coins: 0,
  targetAddress: 'A12KqAUVvPZAAybdmJijkKbynfJeDUsfztEUh8JCSx6DPjczdYLt',
  functionName: 'transfer',
  unsafeParameters: args.serialize()


import { web3, Args } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

const data = await web3.contract.readSmartContract({
  fee: 0,
  maxGas: 200000,
  simulatedGasPrice: 0,
  targetAddress: 'A12KqAUVvPZAAybdmJijkKbynfJeDUsfztEUh8JCSx6DPjczdYLt',
  targetFunction: "balanceOf",
  parameter: []


import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

const eventsFilter = {
  start: null,
  end: null,
  original_caller_address: null,
  original_operation_id: hash,
  emitter_address: null,
const response = await web3.contract.getFilteredSCOutputEvent(eventsFilter);

if (response && response.result && response.result[0] && response.result[0].data) {
  const contract = String(response.result[0].data).replace('Address:', '');

Request pubkey.

import { web3 } from '@hicaru/bearby.js';

const pubkey = await web3.wallet.requestPubKey();


import { JsonRPCResponseExecuteReadOnlyBytecode } from '@hicaru/bearby.js/types';

const res?: JsonRPCResponseExecuteReadOnlyBytecode;