
An easy on the eyes Xcode theme, ported from Ciapre Sublime Text.

Primary LanguageShell

An easy on the eyes Xcode theme, ported from Ciapre Sublime Text.


code sample from Alamofire

Ciapre 3

Ciapre Swift

Ciapre 2

Ciapre Swift


code sample from SVPulsingAnnotationView Ciapre Black Neue


Alcatraz (reccommended)

In Xcode Package Manager Alcatraz. Just search for Ciapre -> check the checkmark button -> restart Xcode.


  1. $ ./install-ciapre-theme.sh

  2. Restart Xcode, select your new Ciapre theme in Color settings.

  3. Happy Coding -> Profit (?!) :shipit:🚢🚀:octocat:

Comes with two different colors

Version 3 (Dark blur)

Ciapre 3

Version 2 (Dark)

Ciapre Black Neue

Version 1 (Blue + Dark)

Ciapre Blue


Side Notes

Color Pallete

Reccommended Font

For more programming fonts, visit http://slant.co/topics/67/~what-are-the-best-programming-fonts.

Ciapre on Other Platforms

  1. CotEditor themes by Naotaka Morimoto
  2. Ciapre for emacs
  3. Ciapre for Jetbrains (IDEA) and iTerm2
  4. Red Planet - A Sublime Text 2 color scheme based off of the "Ciapre Dark" theme with slight mods.
  5. My own Sublime Text2 / Text Mate theme - the original

Thanks all for your works! 🍺

What's With The Name?

Just random, really!


If you like this theme, please help spreading to the world. Thanks! 🚀