

Creates an instance of a nginx server with self-signed certificates. It will serve .php, .html, .htm files.

Tech stack

  • fast php
  • openssl

Docker stack

  • docker-compose
  • nginx:alpine


  • docker installed
  • docker-compose installed
  • openssl installed
  • any server/service using port 80 be disabled

To run

Be sure when running this command, you are in the folder with docker-compose.yml file.

docker-compose up -d --build

Go to https://localhost


  • default.conf

This is where the nginx conf; also the domain name can be changed here.

  • docker-compose.yml

This sets the ports.

  • web.dockerfile
    • Copies over files in ./src to server
    • Copies default.conf to server
    • Copies certificates to server

To create a new Self-Signed SSL Certificate, use the openssl req command:

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096
-days 3650
-out example.crt
-keyout example.key

-newkey rsa:4096 - Creates a new certificate request and 4096 bit RSA key. The default one is 2048 bits.

-x509 - Creates a X.509 Certificate.

-sha256 - Use 265-bit SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm).

-days 3650 - The number of days to certify the certificate for. 3650 is ten years. You can use any positive integer.

-nodes - Creates a key without a passphrase.

-out example.crt - Specifies the filename to write the newly created certificate to. You can specify any file name.

-keyout example.key - Specifies the filename to write the newly created private key to. You can specify any file name.