

Creates a small database table called dog and populates with hql. Creates 2 lookup tables breedLookup and colorLookup and 4N dog.

Joins breedLookup and colorLookup to form a new table dogextended. These joins are deministrated 3 ways, ResultTransformer, looking up ids on breedLookup and colorLookup, and non-ResultTransformer method.

Compiled and ran from build server bloop.

Build note

Dependencies must be compatable with jdk8 or less.

Tech stack

  • bloop
  • java
  • maven
    • hibernate
    • hql
    • log4j
    • oracle driver

Docker stack

  • hseeberger/scala-bloop-sbt:11.0.2-oraclelinux7_1.3.5_2.12.10
  • gvenzl/oracle-free

To run

sudo ./ -u

To stop

sudo ./ -d

For help

sudo ./ -h
