A sample cryptocurrency app
This app is build with the MVVM architecture, repository pattern (with no persistance yet) and clean architecture style event handling for interface interactions.
A very minimum set of dependencies were included to keep the app clean:
- Koin: Dependency Injection
- Retrofit: HTTP api consumption, both XML and JSON
- Coil: Image loading library
- (Compose, Timber, JUnit and Mockito being the others)
The app uses 3 apis defined in the NetworkModule:
- Coindesk News RSS feed (XML) (www.coindesk.com)
- Binance 24h currency tracker api (JSON) (www.binance.com)
- ExchangeRates api (JSON) (http://api.exchangeratesapi.io)
The last of which is accessed through a proxy with a long cache so as not to burn through 1000 requests limit the free usage tier is given.
The App icon comes from an artist named Freepik from https://www.flaticon.com/, all rights reserved.
- A better source for up to date currency exchange rates
- Persistance of currency choice
- Wallet screen
- Detail view for coins
- Charts
- Tickers