
Generate dynamic collections of popular media for Plex using Tautulli

Primary LanguagePython

Popular Plex

This script is designed to run weekly, generating collections in Plex of most popular Movies and Television based on the data from the Tautulli API. It uses the python-plexapi package and requests. It provides two options for login, Server/Access Token or Username/Password/Server, access token is preferred and when set username/password/server can be blank.

The idea behind this project was to recreate Netflix's 'What's Popular' list

Screenshot of Popular Movies Collections Screenshot of Popular TV Collections



cp config.ini.example config.ini

Edit config.ini in your preferred text editor

pip install -r requirements.txt
python popular_plex.py

Running with Docker

Docker Hub

docker build -t popularplex .
docker run popularplex


For Linux schedule using a cronjob, on Windows create a scheduled task to launch the script

0       3       *       *       6       python3 /path/popular_plex.py