Tech Stack Battle (Perbandingan Tech Stack).
- Casual discussion.
- Only cover the technologies and tools.
- Pros and cons, what suits best or usual cases.
- Not about the core concepts.
- computer science, programming, software architecture, infrastructure, system design, OOP, FP, async, concurrency, DBMS, SQL, NoSQL, DSL, etc
- Would try to not only about the web.
- Let's discuss together, correction if there's something wrong or missing.
Want to contribute or update things? Fork this repo and open a Pull Request.
Bootcamp "Menguasai Frontend Web Development":
- Tech Stack Battle
- Contribute
- Table of Contents
- References
- Ecosystem
- Operating System
- Tooling
- Documentation
- Web Runtime
- Web Frontend
- Web Backend
- Web Full Stack or Hybrid
- Web Tooling, State Management
- Web Bundler, Transpiler, Tool
- Web API
- Web Testing
- Web Deployment
- Database
- Database ORM
- Database/Backend as a Service
- CMS (Content Management System)
- Mobile Android
- Mobile iOS
- Mobile Windows Phone
- Desktop (Mac/Linux/Windows)
- IoT
- Other Things on Language/Platform
- Misc
- Catamyst Stack:
- Frontend Stack:
- Apple
- macOS
- iOS
- Microsoft
- Windows
- Windows Phone
- Linux
- Code Editor
- Microsoft VS Code
- VSCodium
- Monaco Editor
- JetBrains
- Fleet
- IntelliJ IDEA
- WebStorm
- PhpStorm
- ...
- Sublime Text
- Vim
- Neovim
- Emacs
- nano
- Brackets - DED
- Notepad++ - ZOMBIE
- ...
- Microsoft VS Code
- Online Code Editor
- CodePen
- CodeSandbox
- StackBlitz
- Glitch
- GitHub Codespaces
- JS Bin
- JSFidle
- Replit
- ...
- Terminal
- Hyper
- iTerm
- Warp
- PowerShell
- Shell
- sh
- bash
- zsh
- fish
- Git
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Atlassian Bitbucket
- Gitea
- ...
- Project/Product Management
- Linear
- Atlassian Jira
- Trello
- Asana
- Basecamp
- ...
- Markdown
- reStructuredText (RST)
- Textile
- AsciiDoc
- LaTeX
- Mermaid.js
- Pandoc
- Node.js
- Deno
- Bun
- Cloudflare Workers (CW)
- Vercel Edge Functions
- AWS Lambda
- Python
- Ruby
- Sass
- Stylus - DED?
- Less - ZOMBIE
- Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind UI
- daisyUI
- UnoCSS
- Master CSS
- Bootstrap
- Bulma
- Foundation Framework
- Foundation for Emails
- Semantic UI
- UIkit
- Pure CSS
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- npm / yarn / pnpm
- JS Library
- Zepto
- React
- Routing
- React Router
- wouter
- Data fetching
- TanStack React Query
- urql / URQL
- Apollo GraphQL Client
- UI components
- Ariakit
- Headless UI
- Radix UI
- CSS-in-JS
- styled-components
- emotion
- stitches
- Design system
- Chakra UI
- Ant Design
- Routing
- Preact
- Vue
- Routing
- Vue Router
- Headless UI
- Design system
- Vuetify
- Routing
- Angular
- Svelte
- SolidJS
- Lit
- Qwik
- cURL
- HTTPie
- Postman
- Insomnia
- Hoppscotch
- Node.js
- Express
- Feathers
- NestJS
- Hapi
- Fastify
- Koa
- Restify
- GraphQL Yoga
- Pothos GraphQL Schema
- Nexus.js - DED
- Express
- Symfony
- Slim Framework
- CakePHP
- Flight
- Java
- Micronaut
- Spark Java
- Ktor
- Javalin
- ...
- Kotlin
- Ktor
- Javalin
- Python
- FastAPI
- Flask
- Tornado
- ...
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- ...
- Golang
- Gin
- Fiber
- Echo
- Chi
- Beego
- HttpRouter
- Revel
- ...
- Haskell
- Yesod Web Framework
- Snap
- Spock
- Rust
- Rocket
- Actix
- Yew
- Salvo
- Elixir
- Phoenix
- Erlang
- C
- C++
- C#
- Objective-C
- Swift
- Vapor
- Perfect
- JavaScript/TypeScript/Node.js/Deno
- React
- Next.js
- Remix
- Gatsby
- RedwoodJS
- Astro
- Fresh
- Meteor - DED?
- Vue
- Nuxt
- Svelte
- SvelteKit
- Solid
- SolidStart
- React
- Laravel
- Code Igniter
- Ruby
- Rails
- Python
- Django
- Java
- Play
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Groovy
- Grails
- Scala
- Play
- C#
- .NET / ASP.NET Core
- Xamarin
- Blazor
- Golang
- Hugo
- Redux
- RTK / Redux Toolkit
- Jotai
- Zustand
- Recoil
- XState
- Stately
- Pinia
- Webpack
- Turbopack - NEW
- ESBuild
- Vite
- Parcel
- Rollup
- Gulp - DED
- Grunt - DED
- Yeoman - DED
- Babel
- Terser
- GraphQL
- Apollo GraphQL
- WebSocket
- Socket.IO
- tRPC
- gRPC
- Swagger
- API Blueprint
- GraphQL
- GraphiQL
- Stellate / GraphCDN
- Apigee
- Vitest
- Jest
- testing-library
- MSW (Mock Service Worker)
- Cypress
- Playwright
- Selenium WebDriver - AVOID
- Mocha - DED
- Chai - DED
- Sinon - DED
- Jasmine - DED
- Cucumber
- Cucumber.js
- Map
- Mapbox
- react-mapbox-gl
- Google Maps
- Mapbox
- WebGL / 3D
- Three.js
- React Three Fiber
- Babylon.js
- Three.js
- 2D visualization
- D3.js
- Vega
- Python
- Jupyter/Notebook
- ...
- Baremetal Server
- VPS (Virtual Private Server)
- Digital Ocean
- Linode
- Amazon Lightsail
- IDCloudHost
- Hostinger
- DewaWeb
- IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) / Cloud Computing / Cloud Native
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Microsoft Azure
- Alibaba Cloud
- IBM Cloud
- PaaS (Platform as a Service)
- Vercel
- Netlify
- Heroku - HONORABLE
- Deno Deploy
- GitHub Actions
- Circle CI
- Jenkins
- Travis
- Drone CI?
- SQL vs NoSQL
- SQLite
- MariaDB
- PlanetScale
- PostgreSQL
- Supabase
- Microsoft SQL Server
- MongoDB
- MongoDB Atlas
- CockroachDB
- Redis
- Apache CouchDB
- RxDB
- Node.js
- Prisma ORM - MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB
- TypeORM
- Sequelize
- Knex.js
- Bookshelf.js
- Mongoose
- Java
- Hibernate
- Python
- SQLAlchemy
- PonyORM
- Ruby
- ActiveRecord
- Firebase
- Supabase
- Strapi
- Nhost
- Kontenbase
- Celery
- Sidekiq
- RabbitMQ
- Headless WordPress
- Hygraph (GraphCMS)
- Payload CMS
- ButterCMS
- Storyblok
- Java
- Kotlin
- Node.js
- React Native
- Ionic
- NativeScript
- Apache Cordova
- Dart
- Flutter
- Objective-C
- Swift
- Node.js
- React Native
- Windows Store
- JavaScript
- Electron
- Tauri
- NW.js
- Node.js
- Johnny-Five
- NodeBots
- npm / yarn / pnpm
- TypeScript
- Dart
- Elm
- CoffeeScript - DED
- Composer
- Maven
- Gradle
- ...
- ...
- sbt
- Apache Spark
- ...
- PyPi
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- C#
- Unity
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Terraform
- Ansible
- Chef
- Puppet
- ...
- ...