

liuchanfeng165 opened this issue · 3 comments

你好,请问你是用科学计算卡还是GTX系列训练呢?我用两块GTX1070,但s2结果MPII log显示比你的log差8个百分比,你有这方面经验吗,可否指点原因?
my log as follow:
23.000000 0.000250 0.000348 0.000347 0.667625 0.698335
24.000000 0.000250 0.000347 0.000313 0.671120 0.694273
25.000000 0.000250 0.000344 0.000464 0.673781 0.697057
u log as follow:
23.000000 0.000500 0.000844 0.000814 0.753865 0.766151
24.000000 0.000500 0.000842 0.000810 0.755048 0.767318
25.000000 0.000500 0.000837 0.000807 0.760711 0.768832
batch_size = 64 ,lr=2.5-4

I got it by some related issues~

@liuchanfeng165 How can you fix the problem? Can you share some training recipes with us? Thx~

@liuchanfeng165 How can you fix the problem? Can you share some training recipes with us? Thx~

According the final mAP not only acc.