
Example of ML pipeline with Luigi

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Some cool stuff with ML orchestrated by Docker and Luigi, presented by Pweave.

How this project is organized

  • download_data. Download data.
  • process_data. Process data. Generate features. Make Train/Test split.
  • train_models. Train models. Train linear regression and lightgbm on Train dataset.
  • evaluate_models. Evaluate models. Calculate metric performance on Test dataset for both models. Plot some charts.
  • make_report. Make report. Present results of the whole pipeline.

How to run

  • Build docker images

    bash build-task-images.sh 0.1

  • Run pipeline, write logs to output file

    docker-compose up orchestrator |& tee ./output.log

  • Clean containers

    bash docker-clean.sh

Ways to improve

  1. Create base docker image with most of the libraries and add layers to it instead of building each time from python:3.6-slim. Currently takes about 90 sec to build images on clean system from scratch.
  2. Use more sophisticated ML algorithms; Use more feature engineering; Use parameter tuning.