
BearyChat Adapter for Hubot

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Hubot adapter to use with BearyChat.

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5 Minutes Setup

Step 1. get ya a "hubot token"

Go to your team robots page in bearychat.com (your-cool-team.bearychat.com/robots) and create a hubot. You will get your hubot token inside the bot settings form:


Step 2. bootstrap your secret hubot project with yeoman

  • npm install -g hubot coffee-script yo generator-hubot
  • mkdir -p /path/to/hubot
  • cd /path/to/hubot
  • yo hubot
  • npm install hubot-bearychat --save

Also check out the hubot docs for further guidance on how to build your bot.

Step 3. copy your hubot token and start it

$ export HUBOT_BEARYCHAT_TOKENS=token-token-token-here
$ ./bin/hubot -a bearychat

Step 4. start chatting with your bot!


You can also refer example/ for sample setup.


RTM mode

RTM mode uses BearyChat's RTM api and WebSocket as message transport protocol. In this mode, hubot can receive all messages in real time and hear any messages from channels it had joined.

To enable RTM mode, you should specify environment variable HUBOT_BEARYCHAT_MODE=rtm before running the hubot.

hubot-bearychat uses rtm mode by default.

HTTP mode

HTTP mode is the legacy message transport protocol. In this mode, hubot can only receive messages that himself was mentioned (e.g. @hubot how do you do), and you need to set the hubot hosted http service url in the hubot settings form.

To enable HTTP mode, you should specify environment variable HUBOT_BEARYCHAT_MODE=http before running the hubot.


Available configurations are injected via environment variables:

envvar description
HUBOT_BEARYCHAT_MODE running mode for the hubot, by default is rtm
HUBOT_BEARYCHAT_TOKENS hubot token, required for running hubot

Hubot Interactions


Hubot can response a message with res.send:

robot.hear /hello/, (res) ->
  res.send 'hello, world!'



If hubot want to response a message and refer the callers message, use res.reply`:

robot.hear /how old are you?/, (res) ->
  res.reply 'I am Five!'


Send message to other room

If you want to send a message to other channel use robot.messageRoom with vchannel_id, and Channel Name support is coming soon:

robot.hear /voldemort/i, (res) ->
  robot.messageRoom(vchannel_id, "Somebody is talking about you, Voldemort!")


If hubot want to response more than text, emit bearychat.attachment:

robot.respond /念两句诗/, (res) ->
  robot.emit 'bearychat.attachment',
    # required
    message: res.message
    # requried
    text: '当时我就念了...'
    attachments: [
        color: '#cb3f20',
        text: '苟利国家生死以',
        text: '岂因祸福避趋之',
        images: [
          {url: 'http://example.com/excited.jpg'},
