
backend of a2z web app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A2Z Resource for Students ( Backend )

Tech Stack

  • Node.Js
  • MongoDB


User Should be able to access following resource :

1. Coding Resource [DONE]

  1. Python
  2. HTML & CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Data Structure
  5. Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  6. Android Development
  7. Backend Development
  8. Frontend Development

[Make one collection and filter by tags]

Model Name : coding-resource

text : 'String' 
url : 'String'
dlevel : 'Begineers', 'Moderate', 'Experts'
tags : [enums]
bookmark  : boolean
active : boolean

2. Events for Students [TBD]

1. Developer Clubs and Meetups

2. Conferences


Model Name : events

text : String
url : String
place : String
country : String
event date : 'DATE' [String]
subscription : boolean


3. Student Programs

1. Fellowship Programs [DONE]


Model Name - fellowship 

text : String
link : String
place : String
country : String
field : String
eligiblity : enum [Bachelors, Masters, PHD]
application deadline : DATE 
active : boolean
subscrbe : boolean
bookmark : boolean
online : boolean [Online or InPerson]


2. Scholarship [DONE]


Model Name - Scholarship

text : String
url : String
field : String
bookmark : boolean
active : boolean
subscribe : boolean

4. Hackathons [DONE]


Model Name - Hackathon

Name : String
Domain : String
url : String
Type : Enum[Online or InPerson]
Application Start Date : Date
Application End Date : Date
place : String
Country : String
TR : Enum[Yes, No, Partial]
subscribe : boolean
active : boolean
bookmark : boolean

5. Competiton


Model Name - Competition
Name : String
Domain : String
url : String
Type : Enum[Online or InPerson]
Application Start Date : Date
Application End Date : Date
place : String
Country : String
subscribe : boolean
active : boolean
bookmark : boolean

Note - The Schema and Section Descibed Above are tentative. Suggestions are Welcome.


S.No Issue Status
1 Structuring Database and Specifing the Section for Resources In Progress
2 Define Routes InComplete
3 Update User Authentication InComplete