Yii Behavior to create PDF documents using the FPDF library



Yii Behavior to create PDF documents using the FPDF library


  • Full support for the FPDF library
  • UTF-8 support ([tFPDF Class][http://www.fpdf.org/en/script/script92.php])
  • Adds additonal methods to FDPF: ++ SetCustomProperty() - for setting PDF document custom properties ++ WriteHtml() - for writing HTML snippets. The following tags are supported: +++ P, EM, STRONG, H1-H6, A, HR. +++ Ordered and unordered lists (not nested) are supported +++ There is basic support for tables ++ SetHtmlStyles() - defines text, background, and border colours, etc. for tags (see source)
  • Uses normal Yii view locations
  • Support for partial views.
  • View helpers to provide header and footer rendering and helper functions


Extract and save the extension's files in your application; typically under the application.extensions directory.

Download the FPDF Library and save it in your application (the default is for the FPDF library to be at path.vendors.fpdf.FPDF where "path" is the path to the directory containing FPDFbehavior.pdf).


  • Add the behavior to a controller If using the default properties: public function behaviors() { return array( 'fpdf'=>'path.to.FPDFbehavior', ) ); }

    or, to change the behavior's properties: public function behaviors() { return array( 'fpdf'=>array( 'class'=>'path.to.FPDFbehavior', 'fpdf'=>'path.to.FPDF', 'behaviors'=>'path.to.view.behaviors', 'header'=>'headerCallbackFunctionName', 'footer'=>'footerCallbackFunctionName', 'orientation'=>'L', 'unit'=>'pt', 'size'=>'A3' ) ); }

  • call the generatePDF() method (typically from a controller action, but can be within a view).

  • views to generate PDF documents are in the normal view location and use FPDF library methods to create a PDF document; the $this variable represents the FPDF library, e.g. $this->FPDFMethod() (see the FPDF Library Reference Maunual for method details).

  • Note: To access the controller in the view use $this->getOwner().


Helpers are classes that contain helper methods that provide commonly used rendering, e.g. rendering of an address.

Helpers must be extended from the PDFHelper class. Methods in a helper are called from the view, e.g. $this->viewHelperMethod($param1, $param2, ...).

Helper methods access the FPDF library methods by $this->FPDFMethod() and can access view data with $this->>data['dataItem'].

Attach helpers by specifiying them in the FDPF::helpers property as an array of 'name'=>'path.to.helper' pairs. Multiple helpers can be attached; if a method is called that exists in two or more helpers, the method in the earliest attached helper is used.

View Helper

The view helper provides helper methods only for the current view. It is named for the view by appending "Helper", e.g. if the view name is "myView" the view helper will be named "myViewHelper". The location of the view helper is defined by the viewHelperPath property; the default is in the view directory. If used with other helpers the view helper is attached first and so its methods will be called in preference to methods with the same name in other helpers. Note: The view helper is optional; it can be used with other helpers, as the only helper, or not at all.

Headers and Footers

The Header() and Footer() methods are called automatically from the FPDF library when a page is added in the view. The behavior looks for methods in attached helpers with the names defined in its header and footer properties respectively.

The following example illustrates the structure of the controller, view, and a helper: ` class OrdersController extends CController { public function behaviors() { // This example sets the header and footer properties. If the defaults are // used then 'fpdf'=>'path.to.FPDFBehavior' can be used return array( 'fpdf'=>array( 'class'=>'path.to.FPDFBehavior', 'fpdf'=>'path.to.FPDF.directory', 'header'=>'invoiceHeader', 'footer'=>'invoiceFooter' ) ); }

public function actionInvoice($orderId) { $this->generatePDF('invoice', array( 'order'=>Order::model()->with('customer, lines')->findByPk($orderId), 'currency' = Yii::app()->params['currency'] )); } } `

View (invoice.php in the views.orders directory): ` $this->AliasNbPages(); $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $this->AddPage(); $this->Cell(20, 10, $order->number); $this->setMargins(27, 10, 15); $this->setY(80); $this->writeAddress($order->customer->address, 40, 5); // helper method

$invoiceValue = 0; $nf = Yii::app()->getNumberFormatter(); $this->SetFillColor(0); $this->SetTextColor(255); $this->Cell(10, 8, 'Line', 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->Cell(20, 8, 'Catalogue #', 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->Cell(40, 8, 'Description', 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->Cell(20, 8, 'Unit Price', 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->Cell(10, 8, 'Quantity', 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->Cell(20, 8, 'Line Value', 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->SetFillColor(255); $this->SetTextColor(0); foreach ($order->lines as $i=>$line) { $this->setFillColor($i%2 ?255 :221); // zebra stripe the line items $this->Cell(10, 8, $i+1, 1, 0, 'R', true); $this->Cell(20, 8, $line->item->number, 1, 0, 'R', true); $this->Cell(40, 8, $line->item->description, 1, 0, 'L', true); $this->Cell(20, 8, $nf->formatCurrency($line->item->price, $currency), 1, 0, 'R', true); $this->Cell(10, 8, $line->quantitiy, 1, 0, 'R', true); $lineValue = $line->quantitiy * $line->item->price; $this->Cell(20, 8, $nf->formatCurrency($lineValue, $currency), 1, 1, 0, 'R', true); $invoiceValue += $lineValue; } $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $this->setFillColor(170); $this->Cell(100, 8, "Total: $invoiceValue"); $this->Cell(20, 8, $nf->formatCurrency($lineValue, $currency), 1, 1, 0, 'R', true); `

View Helper: ` class invoiceHelper extends PDFHelper { // Header callback (called automatically by the FPDF Library) public function invoiceHeader() { $this->Image('logo.png', 10, 6, 30); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15); $this->Cell(0, 10, 'Best Widgets plc', 1, 0, 'C'); }

// Footer callback (called automatically by the FPDF Library) // $this->AliasNbPages() must have been called public function invoiceFooter() { $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->SetXY(10, -15); $this->Cell(0, 6, $this->data['order']->number); $this->SetX(); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}', 0, 0, 'C'); }

// Helper method to write an address public function writeAddress($address, $w, $h, $align = 'L') { static $attrs = array('extended_address', 'street_address', 'locality', 'region', 'postal_code', 'country_name');

foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
  if (!empty($this->$address->$attr)) {
    $this->Cell($w, $h, $address->$attr, 0, 1, $align);

} } `