
A little Sinatra app to output Popolo data from the morph.io API.

Primary LanguageRuby


A little Sinatra app to output Popolo data from the morph.io API. It currently only supports vote data.


First, install Gem dependencies with the bundle command.

The server expects two environment variables, MORPH_API_KEY and MORPH_SCRAPER_NAME.

MORPH_API_KEY is your key from http://morph.io/api

MORPH_SCRAPER_NAME is the name of the scraper we're extracting data from. This was built against a specific scraper so you'll want to be scraping data in a similar format.

Then you can run it with:

MORPH_API_KEY=my_sekret_key MORPH_SCRAPER_NAME=openaustralia/ukraine_verkhovna_rada_votes be bundle exec rackup

Given the identifier of the vote_event you want is "3106" you'll be able to access Popolo vote data at:


You can also get all votes on a day:



Deploy it to Heroku:

heroku create
heroku config:set MORPH_API_KEY=my_sekret_key MORPH_SCRAPER_NAME=openaustralia/ukraine_verkhovna_rada_votes
git push heroku master
heroku open

Then in your browser you'll need to append the right path to your opened app. Something like:
