
Working with Spotify and rekordbox using python

Primary LanguagePython


Important notice: bevore using this project: See Disclaimer at the end of this document.

This project provides the following main funcionalities:

  1. Downloading songs from a given spotify playlist using ytmdl https://github.com/deepjyoti30/ytmdl
  2. Creating a spotify playlist containing newly added songs of specified playlists using spotipy: https://github.com/spotipy-dev/spotipy
  3. Synchronizing a slave folder to a master folder.
  4. Different functionalities regarding rekordbox xml files including
    1. changing the location of an "old" to a "new location" by overwriting the "@Location" key in the xml file
    2. converting some provided keys from an rekordbox 5 xml file to a rekordbox 6 xml file
    3. Searching for duplicates in the rekordbox xml "@Location" key
    4. Comparing two xml files to find differences, based on some set rules it looks for.
  5. Normalizing audio using pydub.

Getting started

Before you start, there is a few things you need to setup:

  1. Setting up a spotify developer account and a spotify app.
  2. Adding your SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID, SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET and the SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI (you get those, once you finished step 1) to a config file, similar to the connection_dummy.yaml file. These variables are used to setup the connection between this app and your spotify app.
  3. Setting up some yaml files for configuration. Throughout the project yaml files should be passed as a program argument to configure the different runs. I suggest you create a config folder holding all your different yaml files. Since you should place your username and other personal information inside the yaml file, i made git, ignore the "config" folder.


Song downloading

For Song downloading use the scripts download_songs.py or download_songs_from_url.py. For more information on how to run these scripts and what they do, see the first lines of the source code. There you can find a description.

Spotify Playlist Creation

  • The playlists are created on the base of csv files. So before you execute the create_new_songs_playlist.py file, execute the create_csv_files.py script, which creates .csv files and saves it to the data folder you specified. There are 3 csv files created:
  1. YYYY-MM-DD-ART.csv: ART stands for artist and this csv file holds the popular songs of in the config file specified artists.
  2. YYYY-MM-DD-PLA.csv: PLA stands for playlists and this csv file holds all the songs of in the config file specified playlists.
  3. YYYY-MM-DD-FAV.csv: FAV stands for favourites and this csv file holds all the hearted songs of the user.
  • Once you have the new csv files inside your specified data folder, execute the create_new_songs_playlist.py, which creates a spotify playlist with all the newly songs added. The following process defines the "newly added songs":
  1. Compare the current csv files to the previous ones and creating a table with all songs, that are only present in the newest csv files (ART and PLA).
  2. Removing songs, that are already saved using the FAV csv file.
  3. Applying limits to each playlist so that there are not added too many songs. The limits are specified in the config file of the program. If there are 10 new songs found in a playlist, but the limit is set to 6, the 6 most popular songs are added. The popularity information provided by spotify is used. The popularity index is calculated by the total streams of a song, how recently a song has been played and the frequency a song has been played.
  4. Creating the playlist with the remaining songs.

Adding new playlists or artists

  1. For this time, the newly added playlist won't be found in the new arrivals playlist.
  2. In the Spotify app, add the playlist(s) you want to add to the profile
  3. manually go threw the songs in the playlist and add the ones you want to have to your will-be-downloaded-playlist.
  4. Automatically create the new arrivals playlist (for this time without the newly added one, since you added it manually)
  5. Delete the csv files for the current day
  6. Add the playlist to the config (playlist_uri_to_name and playlist_to_allowed_tracks)
  7. Create new csv files for the current day with the newly added playlist in them - so the next time new songs from the playlist will be added automaticcaly

It works the same way for adding new artists.

Sync folders

Simply execute the sync_folders.py script with the program arguments you want to have. For more information see the first few rows on the source file.


  • The change_location.py script lets you change all the "@Location" information of a rekordbox xml file from an "old location" to a "new location". Why would you need this feature? Imagine, you have an different laptop for your dj sets (2nd laptop) than for the track preparation and stick syncing (1st laptop). The most up-to-date colleciton is found on the 1st laptop. So you can export the rekordbox xml file there and import it in the 2nd laptop. For this import to work, you need the "@Locaiton" key of the songs to be correct, otherwise rekordbox simply tells you that it couldn't import the songs, because they are not found.
  • The convert_rb5_to_rb6.py script lets you update some defined keys in a rekordbox 6 xml file on the base of the rekordbox 5 xml file. The script uses the classes defined in RB_handler.py script under the hood, to perform the conversion.
  • The check_for_duplicates.py script searches the "@Location" key of a rekordbox xml file to find duplicates.
  • The diff_xml.py script compares two given xml files ("old" and "new") by looking at specific keys in the xml files. The newly added songs are currently not considered a difference. This script serves the purpose to find the songs the "new" xml file has changed in comparison to the old (such as the rating, grouping, file itself by looking at the filesize and length and more keys). You can configure for which keys the file needs to be delted and reimported (like when you change the audiofile itself), or simply reimported (when the changes are only in the metadata). Note: be sure the @Location base location for the audio files is identical for the two xml files - otherwise, everything is a difference.

Normalize Audio

Execute the normalize_audio.py script to normalize the audio files using pydub (https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub) found in folder A and save the normalized audio files in folder B. Both folder A and B are given to the program via program argument. ATTENTION: This script converts songs in the .m4a format to the .mp3 format. This is because pydub cannot handle the .m4a files. Why is that a problem? Because you can have a folder containing both a FILENAME.mp3 and a FILENAME.m4a file, that are actually two totally different songs. If you now use the normalize_audio.py script to normalize the FILENAME.m4a because it is very quiete and put it back in your folder, it will ask you if you want to replace the file, since FILENAME.mp3 already exists. But the FILENAME.mp3 is not the file you want to replace, since it is a totally different song. You need to delete the FILENAME.m4a file in your folder manually, place the newly created and normalized FILENAME.mp3 into the folder and select "keep both". Afterwards, you need to go (again manually - sorry for that) into the xml file of rekordbox and change manually the '@Location' key of the FILENAME.m4a to the new file. Sadly you cannot use the relocate button in rekordbox, since it lets you only relocate files from the same format.


This project is provided "as is", without express or implied warranties of any kind. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of this project or for the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the information contained herein. Any actions taken based on this project or the information provided therein are done so at the user's own risk.

This project is for entertainment purposes only. The author assumes no liability for any violations of copyright, laws or regulations resulting from the use of this project. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that their actions are in accordance with applicable law.

It is strongly recommended that users purchase their favorite songs and music content legally in order to properly support artists and rights holders. Any use of this project to illegally distribute, reproduce or access copyrighted material without authorization is expressly prohibited.

By using this project, the user agrees to hold the author harmless from any claims, damages or legal consequences that may arise from the use of this project.