
List of utilities for the daily developer workflow

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Test Status Coverage Status

Ergo (έργο), greek name for work, is a list of utilities for the daily release workflow.


$ curl -L https://github.com/beatlabs/ergo/releases/download/v0.7.1/ergo-0.7.1-darwin-amd64 --output ergo && chmod +x ergo && mv ergo /usr/local/bin/ergo


  ergo [flags]
  ergo [command]

Available Commands:
  deploy      Deploy base branch to target branches
  draft       Create a draft release [github]
  help        Help about any command
  status      the status of branches compared to base branch
  tag         Create a tag on branch
  version     the version of ergo

      --base string       Base branch for the comparison.
      --branches string   Comma separated list of branches
  -h, --help              help for ergo
      --owner string
      --path string       Location to store or retrieve from the repo (default ".")
      --repo string

CLI commands


Getting the status of remote repo branches compared to a base branch.

ergo status \
--owner dbaltas \
--repo ergo \
--base master \
--branches stable,testsuite/baseNew,testsuite/base,testsuite/featureA,testsuite/featureB,testsuite/featureC

ergo sample output


Create a draft release having description of the commit diff. It will try to increment the last found tag version.

ergo draft \
--owner dbaltas \
--repo ergo \
--base master \
--branches release-gr,release-it


Push the release tag into the release branches (and update the release body accordingly). You need to have published the draft release first.

ergo deploy \
--owner dbaltas \
--repo ergo \
--releaseInterval 15m \
--branches release-pe,release-mx,release-co,release-cl,release-gr
Deploy with custom intervals

If you don't want a linear release interval, for example you want more time between the first and second deployment, you can specify multiple release intervals.

ergo deploy \
--owner dbaltas \
--repo ergo \
--releaseInterval 15m,5m,5m,5m \
--branches release-pe,release-mx,release-co,release-cl,release-gr

Each release will add the next interval, and starts reading the list from the beginning in case releaseInterval list is shorter than the number of branches.

Branch      Start Time
release-pe  12:59 CEST
release-mx  13:14 CEST
release-co  13:19 CEST
release-cl  13:24 CEST
release-gr  13:29 CEST
Deployment? [y/N]:

Github Access

To communicate with github you will need a personal access token added on the configuration file as access-token on github


Configuration is read from $HOME/.ergo.yaml

You have to use this in order to:

  • Add your github access token
  • Provide ergo with defaults. In the CLI commands you may skip some of the parameters in case that there are defaults values set.
  • Information about the draft release body and what will change at the time of the release.

Sample config file

Release Ergo

In order to release a new version of Ergo, execute the following steps:

  1. Create a new release and publish it
  2. Execute
make release
  1. Edit the created release and add the content of the dist folder
  2. Point the README download URL to the latest version