
School timetable construction with AI techniques

Primary LanguageC++

This is a project for the Artificial Intelligence course. 
Students: Beatriz Fagundes, Michell Queiroz, Junot Neto.
Motivation: School timetable construction with AI techniques. 
Search Techniques: Uninformed/blind (cega.cpp) and Informed (heuristica.cpp) search 
1. Codes generated in C++. Compile and run: 
	g++ heuristica.cpp -o heuristica
	./heuristica input_file

	g++ cega.cpp -o cega
	./cega input_file
input_file can be anyfile in the format presented in the folder "input examples"
2. Output files: "saida.txt" for heuristica.cpp and "saida2.txt" for cega.cpp.