
Users list made with vue.js

Primary LanguageVue

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Vue Users

Image of App Vue Users

🎯 Description

Vue Users is an application that obtains a list of random users from an API and print the information.

It has 3 views: the home, the user list and the user detail. There are several buttons with different actions to delete, hide and select random users. By clicking on a user you can see the complete information of the selected user, this page has a map made with Google Maps or Leaflet.

🏗️ Developed with

Is developed with Vue 2 a Javascript framework, use Vue Cli and has dependencies as Vue Router, Vue Leaflet and Google Maps.

🚀 Commands

Install dependencies

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Format js, json and vue files with Prettier
npm run prettier:fix


Catches bugs, enforces conventions and sorts properties of css, scss, sass and vue files with Stylelint
npm run stylelint:fix


Find and fix bugs of js, json and vue files with EsLint
npm run eslint:fix

Publish in Github Pages

npm run deploy