
A script for installing and running the PoCC Burst Wallet on macOS

Primary LanguageShell

Burst on macOS

  1. Purpose
  2. Dependencies
  3. Wallet
    1. Restarting the Wallet
    2. Stopping the Wallet
    3. Uninstall Wallet
    4. Upgrade Wallet


The purpose of this set of scripts is to macOS users in getting the Burst Wallet, Plotter, and Mining software running as quickly and easily as possible.

Please don't hesitate to open an issue if you have any difficulty getting things running.

✅ Now supporting BRS wallet 2.2.1!


These scripts assume the following:

  • You're running OSX 10.10 or greater
  • You have sufficient disk space for the blockchain (and plot files if you choose to do so)
  • You are not currently running an existing MariaDB Database

Setting up your Wallet

  1. Download the .zip file for this repo.
  2. Extract the contents.
  3. Open up a terminal window in the macos_burst-master directory.
  4. Run the following command with a password of your choice. $ sh macos_burst_install.sh <YOUR_PASSWORD>
  5. Follow the green prompts as the script runs.
  6. Once the wallet starts, go to https://localhost:8125/index.html to access your wallet.

Alt Text

Restart your Wallet

If your wallet has stopped or you need to restart, rather than running the full script again you can do the following.

  1. Open up a terminal window in the macos_burst directory.
  2. Run the following command. $ ./macos_burst_install.sh --restart

Stop your Wallet

If you'd like to stop your wallet you can do the following.

  1. Open up a terminal window in the macos_burst directory.
  2. Run the following command. $ ./macos_burst_install.sh --stop

Removing your Wallet

If you've installed your wallet on macOS using this script and decide you no longer wish to run the wallet and would like to uninstall everything. You can do the following.

  1. Open up a terminal window in the macos_burst-master directory.
  2. Run the following command. $ ./macos_burst_install.sh --uninstall

Migrate from an old install of macos_burst

If you installed a previous version of the Burst wallet using this software, you can use this software to update to the latest version. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. Download the .zip file for this repo.

  2. Extract the contents.

  3. Open up a terminal window in the macos_burst-master directory.

  4. Find the path of your previous install. You can try running one of these commands to find the path if you don't know it:

    1.3.6cg - mdfind burstcoin-1.3.6cg | head -n 1 | cd ../../ | pwd

    2.0.0 or above - find ~ -wholename */burstcoin/conf/* -print -quit | head -n 1 | cd ../../ | pwd

  5. Run the following command to upgrade to the new wallet version $ ./macos_burst_install.sh --upgrade {path from step 4}

🙌 Thanks

I'd like to thank the folks who wrote the underlying software used here.

🎉 Burst XBundle for macOS is coming soon!

I haven't had time to update this project with simple scripts for plotting/mining because I've been spending all my time working on a new bundled application which will allow you to install and run the Burst wallet along with plotting and mining all through a simple, clean user interface. Follow me on twitter @drownedcoast for more news.

💸 Donations

If this was helpful to you please consider a small donation.

  • Andrew Scott (drownedcoast) - BURST-Q944–2MY3–97ZZ-FBWGB