A bunch of micro libraries that I use a bunch
npm: @beattyml1/action-map
import {actionDispatcher} from '@beattyml1/action-map';
import {store} from './your-store'
import {actions} from './your-actions'
export const dispatcher = actionDispatcher(store, actions);
dispatch.setSomeData(somePayload) // Strong typed both on func name and the payload type!
In theory should work for vuex or redux as long as
type Store = { dispatch: (name: string, payload: any) => any
type Action = (state: State, payload) => State
npm: @beattyml1/getter-map
import {actionDispatcher} from '@beattyml1/action-map';
import {store} from './your-store'
import {getters} from './your-getters'
export const get = actionDispatcher(store, actions);
let x = get.setSomeData; // Strongly Typed both the name and type!
npm: @beattyml1/map-properties
import {mapProperties} from '@beattyml1/map-properties';
import {obj} from './your-code'
export const objPropNames = mapProperties(obj, key => key);
npm: @beattyml1/compose
import {pipe} from '@beattyml1/compose'
let add = (x: number, y: number) => x + y;
let add1 = x => add(x, 1)
let x = pipe(1)
.to(add, 2)
.to(x => x + 1)
.to(x => [x, 1])
.to(([x, y]) => x + y)
.to(x => x.toFixed())