
Algorithms written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the Rust source code for the algorithms in the textbook Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

The official Java source code is here.


Make a Rust implementation of the library so that a Rust programmer can follow this book easily or prefer to demonstrate the algorithms using Rust.

Try to keep the interface and variable name consistent with the original book while writing idiomatic rust code.

I hope that this project helped you understand why Rust is so wonderful and loved right now. Rust is proving to be a productive tool for reliable and efficient software. In Rust, the compiler plays a gatekeeper role by refusing to compile code with these elusive bugs, including concurrency bugs. By working alongside the compiler, you can spend your time focusing on the program’s logic rather than chasing down bugs. After you finish a day's work, go home and rest, can be at ease a good night's sleep, never worry about system crash.



  • find the largest M elements (TopM)
  • priority queue (PQ)
  • union find (UF)
  • LinkedList
  • Queue
  • Stack


  • directed graph
    • cycle detection (DirectedCycle, EdgeWeightedDigraphCycle)
    • strong connectivity in digraphs (KosarajuSCC)
    • topological sort (Topological)
    • transitive closure (TransitiveClosure)
    • Finding paths (DepthFirstPaths, BreadthFirstPaths)
  • minimum spanning trees
    • Lazy version of Prim’s MST algorithm (LazyPrimMST)
    • Prim’s algorithm (PrimMST)
    • Kruskal’s algorithm (KruskalMST)
  • shortest paths
    • arbitrage problem (Arbitrage)
    • Acyclic edge-weighted digraphs (AcyclicSP, AcyclicLP)
    • Critical path method for parallel precedence-constrained job scheduling (CPM)
    • Dijkstra’s algorithm (DijkstraSP, DijkstraAllPairsSP)
    • Bellman-Ford algorithm (BellmanFordSP)
  • undirected graph
    • bipartite (Bipartite)
    • connected components (CC)
    • cycle detection (Cycle)
    • depth first search (DepthFirstSearch, NonRecursiveDFS)
    • Finding paths (DepthFirstPaths, BreadthFirstPaths)
    • Symbol graphs (SymbolGraph)


  • Binary Search (binary.rs)
  • Binary Search Tree (bst.rs)
  • Red black (rb2.rs)


  • Bubble Sort (bubble.rs)
  • Insertion Sort (insert.rs)
  • Merge Sort (merge.rs)
  • Quick Sort (quick.rs)
  • Robert. W. Floyd Heap sort (floyd_sort)
  • Selection Sort (selection.rs)
  • Shell's Sort (shell.rs)
  • Tournament Tree Sort (tree_selection.rs)


  • Character-indexed arrays (alphabet.rs, count.rs)


# setup Rust Toolchain
make test


  • Implement algorithms in book
  • Finish exercises
  • Algorithms visualization (Easy to study and short learning curve)