
Grunt Project Kickstarter, a file and folder structure to aid in the development and deployment process of a HTML, CMS or framework based applications - with some added Grunt.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Grunt Project Kickstarter

Welcome to the Grunt Project Kickstarter, a file and folder structure to aid in the development and deployment process of a HTML, CMS or framework based applications - with some added Grunt.

Also, this is a pretty good guide for getting started with Grunt in general.

What is this 'Grunt'?

Grunt is a JavaScript based task runner. I see it as an automated, project workflow tool. From watching and processing Sass, linting files, to managing Jekyll, contacting & copying files and just being awesome.

Check it out.

What is a task?

A task is each individual operation that Grunt can run. There is a Coffeescript task that will process Coffeescript; there is a watch task that will watch for changes then do something; there is also a task that uglifies your JavaScript. More information on tasks. Also, check out the tasks already available.

Why should I bother?

Why not just use a web based linting and uglifing tool? Why not use the default sass --watch … command? Why not hand copy files to a deployment folder after concatenating scripts… Because productivity, easy maintenance, seamless collaboration and keeping tools & resources related is too important :D Grunt helps you do that in one (well, two) files. It becomes an extremely helpful, efficient and reliable part of your development stack. It can do as little, or as much as you want.


Follow http://gruntjs.com/getting-started for an in-depth look at setting up Grunt, but basically:

  1. Boot up Terminal.
  2. Make sure to have Node.js installed. (Plus Sass, and any other resource that might be needed by tasks).
  3. Uninstall Grunt globally, just incase with npm uninstall -g grunt.
  4. Install Grunt CLI globally npm install -g grunt-cli.
  5. cd to your project folder.
  6. Git clone, or download the zip from https://github.com/beaucharman/Grunt-Project-Kickstarter, or create your own! (The custom task aliases below refer to the Grunt Project Kickstarter).
  7. Install Grunt and required tasks by either:

a. Add Grunt and each required task to the package.json file's devDependencies object (as either 'latest', or the current version number to prevent deprecation problems later). Then in Terminal, run npm install. This command will find the package.json file and install all devDependencies it finds :). An example:

"devDependencies": {
  "grunt": "latest",
  "grunt-contrib-sass": "latest",
  "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.3.2"

b. Or, in Terminal install Grunt (npm install grunt --save-dev) and each task individually (with npm install {{task-name}} --save-dev). The --save-dev command makes sure to add the task to the devDependencies object in the package.json file.

Either way, if the project is moved, there is no need to take the node modules folder, just cd to the project, run npm install and you are good to go. Also, once Grunt is configured globally, you only need steps 5 - 7 to set up new projects.



For each task that is to be used, it needs to be locally installed (described in the above section), and needs to be referenced in the Gruntfile.js by using the grunt.loadNpmTasks(); function. Add or comment out any required tasks, or remove any unneeded tasks.

File Paths

Most tasks require and use file paths to perform said tasks. The Grunt Project Kickstarter stores paths in the package.json file. Make sure these paths reflect that of your project structure, and add / change paths where required.

Existing Optional Tasks

To use some of the task included in the Grunt Project Kickstarter's Grintfile.js, make sure you install the following relevant node modules as described above (using npm).

Contrib Sass npm install grunt-contrib-sass --save-dev

cssLint npm install grunt-contrib-csslint --save-dev

Contrib Coffee npm install grunt-contrib-coffee --save-dev

Concat pm install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev

Uglify npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev

jsHint npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev

Jade npm install grunt-jekyll --save-dev

Jekyll npm install grunt-contrib-jade --save-dev

Clean npm install grunt-contrib-clean --save-dev

Copy npm install grunt-contrib-copy --save-dev

Text Replace npm install grunt-text-replace --save-dev

Smushit npm install grunt-smushit

Contrib Watch npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev

Regarde npm install grunt-regarde --save-dev

Plus many, many others via the Grunt Plugins page.

A Run Down of the custom tasks aliases

Custom tasks aliases are a way of running multiple tasks with just one command.

The following registered, custom task aliases are suggestions for an awesome workflow. Custom tasks are declared using the grunt.registerTask(); function, which at it's basic usage takes two arguments, one being the new task's alias (how it will be called in the terminal), and the other being an array of tasks that will run (executed in array index order). Remove the custom tasks that are no required. Read more about creating tasks.


Command: grunt

Task registration: grunt.registerTask("default", ["sass:development"]);

Can be defined as necessary, currently just processes the sass:development task.

Watch Sass

Command: grunt watchSass

Task registration: grunt.registerTask("watchSass", ["watch:sass"]);

This task watches the defined Sass directory for changes, and processes them.


Command: grunt build

Task registration: grunt.registerTask("build", ["sass:development", "copy:build"]);

Run preprocessing and copy files to the development environment. Great to use when working in a 'development files here... testing environment here' way.


Command: grunt deploy

Task registration: grunt.registerTask("deploy", ["uglify:deploy", "copy:deploy", "sass:deploy"]);

Run preprocessing, concatenate, minify and copy files for deployment.

WordPress Deploy

Task registration: grunt.registerTask("deploy", ["clean:deploy", copy:deploy", "uglify:deploy", "sass:deploy", "replace:deploy"]);

Run preprocessing, concatenate, minify and copy files. Also change any development mode options in template files to be ready for deployment. Can be used with any framework, particularly where you have options in your files that change once in deployment mode.

Test Deploy

Command: grunt testDeploy

Task registration: grunt.registerTask("testDeploy", ["copy:testDeploy"]);

Copies the deployment files into the development environment for testing. Awesome to use with a framework or CMS workflow. (make sure your minified and concatenated js files still work... sorta thing)

Creating a dynamic watch task

The following function creates a listener for the watch task, captures the event and filename when a change is detected, then runs the dynamically created (in this instance, copy:changed) on the effected file.

 grunt.event.on("watch", function(event, listener) {
    var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON("package.json");
    var cwd = pkg.path.development;
    filepath = listener.replace(cwd, "");
        expand: true,
        cwd:    cwd,
        src:    filepath,
        dest:   "relative/path/to/destination/"

  /* May need to use this instead of grunt.watch.event.tasks:copy:changed */
  // return grunt.task.run("copy:changed");

Would love to integrate these soon:

CSSmin npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin --save-dev

Mocha Test npm install grunt-mocha-test --save-dev

SHH git clone git://github.com/andrewrjones/grunt-ssh.git

Static and Dynamic Site Development

Folder structure for a typical project, powered by Grunt.

| application         <- all your important files
  | development       <- for developing locally
    | (index.html and friends)
  | deploy
    | (your compressed, 'ready to push live' files)
  | source
    | coffee          <- Coffescripts
    | images          <- uncompressed images
    | jekyll          <- Jekyll templates (if utilising Jekyll)
    | sass            <- Sass directory
  | test
    | (output from test related tasks)
| Gruntfile.js        <- where the magic happens
| node_modules        <- all the good stuff, will appear after an 'npm install'
| package.json        <- Grunt's package file, stores our variables too :)
| README.md           <- this file

WordPress Theme Development

For local WordPress development, all theme files (the ones that you will be making direct changes to) reside in the development folder, for example:

| application
  | development
    | function.php
    | index.php
    | style.css etc...

and then, the WordPress install (running with either MAMP, or any LAMP application, locally of course) will sit in a folder within application, such as:

| application
  | wordpress
    | wp-admin
    | wp-content etc...

Alternatively WordPress can be placed outside of your project folder, if you wish to keep your source project files and localhost files separate.

Then, simply ensure the correct paths are set for the copy Grunt task :)

More ideas for WordPress development

Within the package.json file, alter the enviro variable to be

"enviro": "application/environment/wp-content/themes/theme-name",

Add the following to the Sass task to create a dynamically generated custom-editor-styles.css file.

/* WordPress editor styles */
"<%= pkg.path.dev %><%= pkg.path.lib.css %>/custom-editor-styles.css":
  "<%= pkg.path.src.sass %>/includes/custom-editor-styles.scss"