
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quick start

As defined in the package.json:

npm install
npm run build
npm run dev
npm run release

These install the project dependencies; build the output files; build and continue to watch for changes; build a minified and production ready release, respectively.

Technology stack

I am using:

  • React for UI components,
  • Babel for JSX and es2015 compilation,
  • Stylus for CSS pre processing and CSS modules for component-level style encapsulation,
  • Redux for maintaining state,

I am managing all these dependancies and their output with a fairly basic webpack configuration.

I am not using controlled inputs to avoid using component-level state in this particular project.

Structure explanation

App wide constants are maintained in the constants directory (mainly used to share action creator types and their corresponding reducer type)

actions and reducers declare and maintain the application's state (via Redux).

containers hold components that deal with Redux state, data flow and logic; and pass the result of each to the presentational components

There is a .gitignore, .editorconfig, .eslint, and .nvmrc for codebase consistence and communication.


Where I would take this project next.

  • Add tests, particularly for reducers
  • Add validation to the form fields
  • Extend the .eslintrc (Use the Air B n B .eslintrc as a starting point if there is no internal JavaScript code style guide)
  • Add hot module reloading for faster development
  • Maybe change the output. The React render could look for a div with an id of hcard. We could also output to an hcard folder, with the bundles renamed to hcard.js and hcard.css (and drop the whole index.html file in the folder).
  • Version control :)