
A PHP class to help register and maintain WordPress custom taxonomies. It also comes with some rad built-in properties and methods that can be used in templates to maintain clean code and modular development.

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Custom Taxonomies

A PHP class to help register and maintain WordPress custom taxonomies. It also comes with some rad built-in properties and methods that can be used in templates to maintain clean code and modular development.

For more information about registering taxonomies, including a full list of options, visit the WordPress Codex.

This class works well with the WordPress Custom Post Type class. They were made for each other <3.

Declaring New Taxonomies

Include custom-taxonomy.php in your functions.php file.

Declare the various argument arrays to setup the new taxonomy as needed (name and post_type are required):

// required
$args['name'] = '';

// The post type/s that the taxonomy is connected to.
// String or array
$args['post_type'] = '';

// optional
$args['labels'] = array(
  'singular'        => '',
  'plural'          => '',
  'menu'            => ''

 $args['options'] = array(
  'public'                => true,
  'show_ui'               => true,
  'show_in_nav_menus'     => true,
  'show_tagcloud'         => true,
  'hierarchical'          => false,
  'update_count_callback' => null,
  'query_var'             => true,
  'rewrite'               => true,
  'capabilities'          => array(),
  'sort'                  => null

$args['help'] = '';

Then create a variable (for future reference, but is not required) from an instance of the Bamboo_Custom_Taxonomy class:

$Taxonomy = new Bamboo_Custom_Taxonomy($args);

You can even quick declare a Taxonomy by just passing the name and associated post type two strings. So for a Taxonomy of of genre for the post type movie, just pass:

$Genre = new Bamboo_Custom_Taxonomy('genre', 'movie');


The custom taxonomy class creates a handfull of useful properties and methods that can be accessed through the taxonomy's instance variable and can be used in template and admin files.



The taxonomy slug.


An array of the singular, plural and menu lables.



Get all the terms assigned to this taxonomy. Accepts an array of arguments, and a boolean value to retrieve just a single value (true, useful to use along side 'include' => array( $single_id ) ) or an array of results (false).

For example:

$taxonomies = $Taxonomy->get();

Note: A declaration of global $Taxonomy; might be required on some template files.

See the Get Terms => Parameters codex reference for the list of possible arguments, and the Get Terms => Return Values codex reference for the list of return values.