is a two dimensional graphing component. On the x
of the graph is linear time, the y
axis is definable by the user. The <BlockGraph>
accepts parameters that allow the user to define the scale of time (e.g. how wide a second is in pixels) as well as the origin (what x=0
equals in time).
In linear algebra terms these are the coefficient and contant of linear function that <BlockGraph>
will use to compute screen positions.
For all of our use cases the rows in our UIs all have a constant height. For every graph, every row in that graph will be the same height as the other rows in the graph. Using this assumption we can define the y
axis by providing a row's height and the number of rows.
The <BlockGraph>
- Efficiently render all drawable data provided to it.
- Create, own, and control the scrollable area the graph lives in.
- Allow the parent component to decorate the graph with label/columns/rows/grids.
- Provide a configurable set of events/actions that allow users to interact with the data on the graph.
- Allow the parent component to stay in its domain of data (time and rows) while managing everything related to screen dimensions.
- Allow the parent component to define how those actions maniplate the content that is rendered.
To tell BlockGraph
how to convert a screen's x
coordinate to a second and back the user must provide these props:
- how many pixels a second will occupy on screengraphTimeSpan
-{startTime: number.isRequired, endTime: number.isRequired}
- the smallest time and largest time the graph will be rendering (how wide the graph is and it's origin can be determined by these values)rowHeight
- how tall a row isrowCount
- how many rows there are
import BlockGraph from 'block-graph';
// in your component
render() {
return (
pixelsPerSecond={ 100 / SECONDS_PER_HOUR }
graphTimeSpan={ startTime: 0, endTime: SECONDS_PER_DAY }
This is enough information for the block graph to know:
- How big it will have to make the graph to show all the content (the scrollable size)
- How to convert the screen's x and y pixels into seconds and row indices.
- How to convert row indices and seconds into x/y coordinates.
There are two different types of content to draw: rows and blocks.
- block: A block can exist anywhere on a graph depending on what time the block occurs at and which index the block is associated with. In terms of a spreadsheet this is a cell.
- row: A row exists on the full width of the graph but only exists in a specifi space vertically. In terms of a speadsheet this is a row.
One example of a block is in the Planner section of the app. In the Planner, the y axis is a list of people. A block in the planner represents a task assigned to a person. The block has a startTime
and an endTime
. These properties can be used to tell the <BlockGraph>
where a block
goes on the x
axis. A block in the Planner will also have a userId
of some kind associating it with a user. The <BlockGraph>
will need to know how to associate the userId
to an index in the list of users.
Building on the code sample above, we need to give a <BlockGraph>
the blocks we want it to daw, we're going to assume these blocks are kept in the parents component's state:
// in the render function of the parent component
// other props truncated for legibility
We want the <BlockGraph>
to be as dumb as possible when it comes to what a block
is. So instead of <BlockGraph>
assuming the shape of a block we should teach a <BlockGraph>
how to convert one of our blocks into something it can graph. Assuming our state.blocks
is an array of Array<{startTime: number, endTime: number, staffId: string}>
we will need to give the BlockGraph
a function that converts our block
into the information it needs to draw it:
getBlockTimeSpanIndex = block => {
return ({
startTime: block.startTime,
endTime: block.endTime,
rowIndex: this.getUserRowIndex(block.userId)
A <BlockGraph>
at this point can now calculate where any block goes. But what does a block look like? What should it render? This is something else the <BlockGraph>
should make no assumptions about, the parent component needs to teach it how to render a block as well. Since we've already taught it where a block should be placed, when the parent component teaches the <BlockGraph>
how to render a block, it will also be given the exact dimensions for rendering it.
* @param {Object} block - the block in this.state.blocks to render
* @param {Rectangle} rect - the position and dimensions for the block
* @returns {React.Component} the component to render for the block
renderBlock => (block, rect) => {
// rect contains top, left, width, height, we can now render a component that's absolutely
// position with those values
return (<MyAwesomeBlock key={block.uid} {...rect} block={block}>)
In the previous example the <BlockGraph>
will render an updated <MyAwesomeBlock>
for every block in state.blocks
every time the <BlockGraph>
The first easy performance win is to make sure <MyAwesomeBlock>
instances use componentShouldUpdate
or inherit from React.PureComponent
and only update when absolutely necessary. A <BlockGraph>
configured this way can get by fine with 600 blocks.
Rows are different to blocks in that they exist across the whole x axis. In fact, the only important things about a row is giving visual horizontal context to a block on the graph. So the only important piece of information for a row is its row index. Based on that, the <BlockGraph>
can calculate the dimensions for any given row.
In the end the row drawing interface is very similar to the block drawing interface: give the <BlockGraph>
some rows and then tell it how to render a row:
* @param {Object} user - the user from this.state.users
* @param {Object} rowRect - the rectangle for the row on the screen
renderRow = (user, rowRect) => {
return <MyAwesomeUserRow key={user.id} user={user} {...rowRect} />;
Similarly to blocks, the <BlockGraph>
can efficiently draw hundreds of rows if the row's component uses shouldComponentUpdate
or inherits from React.PureCompenent
and only updates the component when needed.
Up to this point we have been defining everything a <BlockGraph>
will need to know in order to draw blocks and rows to the screen. The other piece of the puzzle is defining how to react to what the user might be trying to do to the block graph through mouse and keybord events.
At the lowest level, the <BlockGraph>
will need to listen to mousedown
, mouseup
, mousemove
DOM events. It could just let the parent define these and pass them to props and make the parent do everything. Howewer, the <BlockGraph>
has been given some interesting abilities now that it can convert between block data and the screen.
Let's say that tha <BlockGraph>
creates a <div>
that has overflow: auto, position: relative
and then all of the blocks within it are position: absolute
with the screen rects that it gives the parent in renderBlock
. If it provides an onMouseMove
prop to the scrollable block it can use it's conversion abilities to pass along more context to the parent.
// in <BlockGraph>
onMouseDown = event => {
const pointInPage = {x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY };
const pointInGraph = this.convertPagePointToGraphPoint(pointInPage);
// now we can convert the x to seconds and the y to the matching row's index
const timeIndex = {
seconds: this.convertXToSecond(pointInGraph.x),
rowIndex: this.convertYToRowIndex(pointInGraph.y),
// the parent can have a smarter onMouseDown with more context
this.props.onMouseDown(event, pointInGraph, timeIndex);
convertPagePointToGraphPoint({ x, y }) {
// get the bounding rect for the scrolling container
// this is where the DOM node on the page relative to the top left of the viewport
// this takes into account all potentially scrolled containers in all of the
// node's parents
const rect = this.scrollContainer.current.getBoundingClientRect();
// do some scroll offset calculations and we can know the exact x, y this event
// happened to on the graph
return { x: x - rect.x, y: y - rect.y };
render() {
const style = { position: 'relative', overflow: 'auto' };
return (
Providing the additional context to the parent will allow the parent to ignore event x
and y
coordinates and stay in the seconds
and rowIndex
domain for all <BlockGraph>
events. All context switching happens inside <BlockGraph>
In the parent component's onMouseDown
callback, it will be told not only the x
and y
on the graph where the event happenned but also the seconds
and rowIndex
// in parent component
onGraphMouseDown = (event, graphCoordinate, graphTimeAndRow) => {
const { seconds, rowIndex } = graphTimeAndRow;
const user = this.getUserForRow(rowIndex);
// the user pressed a mouse button down maybe find the relevant block that matches
// that time and user?
render() {
return (
// truncated for legibility
// etc
The <Calendar>
component's event handlers as they exists could be simplified if they are given seconds
and rowIndex
already instead of calculating itself. But this doesn't necessarily help with the more complex user interactions we need to support like "drag and drop" and drawing over multiple rows which react to a combination on events that happen in a particular order.
For instance, a multiline drawing would look like:
- store where the mouse down occured and that the mouse is downonMouseMove
- calculate how far the mouse moved, if far enough, determine which rows and timespan the move covers and generate resulting blocks:
- make sure overlapping blocks are merged and split
- update the
to show the new block state - keep the old blocks around because the user can keep moving the mouse the same calculations need to happen again
- indicate that the latest data manipulation from step 2 should be "committed" somehow
A similar but slightly different thing will happen if the user starts the onMouseDown
on a block in the graph. And there are three different cases depending on where inside the block the user clicked:
- On the left edge, resize the block's
- On the right edge, resize the block's
- Anywhere else, move the block event by row a. If a key modifier is down allow copying of the block
The number of cases start to get a bit complex and this doesn't cover all of them. Can we seperate some concerns to help organize what the user is doing and how that action manipulates the data within the <BlockGraph>
? Can we keep track if what is temporary while the user is performing their mouse gestures?
If you take a look at the more complex mouse interactions, they generally follow a pattern:
: Store some event data that will be used in amousemove
to see if themousemove
is significant.mousemove
: compare some new event data withmousedown
data, potentially produce new graph data.keydown
: Is it an "Alt" key? Potentially produce new graph data.mouseup
: Compare some new event data with stored data, tell something that the new graph state should be saved.
In each step above an event comes in, event state is examined and compared to previous events, and maybe that combination of events produces new <BlockGraph>
data. So two steps per event:
- Detect some kind of combination of events that have occurred.
- Produce new
Let's tackle the first step. In each case, we receive an event (the user moved the mouse), compare what the event means in the context of the events that preceded it (was the mouse already down?) and produce updated mouse event state. Let's call the events that come in from the <BlockGraph>
a BlockGraphEvent
and a combination of events a Gesture
So in pseudo-code it kind of looks like:
(BlockGraphEvent, Gesture) => Gesture
So if we can hook up the <BlockGraph>
component to feed all of its events into a function that takes (BlockGraphEvent)
and a Gesture
and gives an updated gesture. It can keep track if the Gesture
in its own state. This Gesture
stuff seems related to the <BlockGraph>
but doesn't necessarily need to live inside the <BlockGraph>
's implementation.
Let's try layering the functionality in with a higher order compenent. Welcome to withGestures
import BlockGraph from './index';
* @param {Function} recognizer - transforms a gesture into a new gesture
* @returns {Component} component with gesture recognizers
export default function withGestures(recognizer = () => null) {
class WithGestures extends Component {
handleGraphEvent = (type, parentHandler) => (event, graphData) => {
parentHandler(event, graphData);
this.setState({ gesture: recognizer({ type, event, graphData }, this.state.gesture) });
constructor(props) {
this.state = {};
this.graphRef = createRef();
this.handleGraphClick = this.handleGraveEvent('click', this.props.onGraphClick);
this.handleGraphMouseDown = this.handleGraveEvent('mousedown', this.props.onGraphMouseDown);
componentDidUpdate(_, prevState) {
if (prevState.gesture !== this.state.gesture) {
const { applyGesture, blocks } = this.props;
this.props.onGestureChange(this.state.gesture, prevState.gesture, (gesture) => {
return applyGesture(gesture, blocks);
render() {
const updatedDate = this.state.
return <BlockGraph /* truncated for legibility */ />
WithGestures.displayName = `WithGestures(${getDisplayName(BlockGraph)})`;
return WithGestures;
Some things to point out:
is the function we describe previosly:(blockGraphEvent, gesture) => gesture
- by default we don't recognize any events, it always returns
- by default we don't recognize any events, it always returns
is a helper that creates event handlers that work with<BlockGraph>
. There would be one for each event that<BlockGraph>
has on its props.- For every event that happens, the
is called and is given the opportunity to produce aGesture
. So far what a gesture is has not been determined. It will be up to the parent component to provide this information. The updatedGesture
is stored in component state.
Here's how it looks in action from the parent component's perspective:
import withGestures from 'block-graph/with-gestures';
// graphEvent.graphContext has the graph x/y as well as time and row index
// it also knows if the event happenned on any blocks and provides the blocks
const recognizer = (graphEvent, gesture = {type: 'idle'}) => {
switch (graphEvent.type) {
case 'mousedown':
if (graphEvent.block) {
// the user touched down on a block, start a move gesture
return { type: 'move-block', block: graphEvent.block, origin: graphEvent.graphContext };
} else {
// the user touched down on the graph but not on a block, start
// a multi-row drawing gesture
return { type: 'multiline', origin: graphEvent.graphContext };
case 'mousemove':
if (gesture && (gesture.type === 'multiline' || gesture.type === 'move-block')) {
return { ... gesture, destination: gesture.graphContext };
case 'mouseup':
if (gesture && (gesture.type === 'multiline' || gesture.type === 'move-block')) {
return { type: 'commit', gesture }
return gesture;
const BlockGraph = withGestures(recognizer);
class Planner extends React.Component {
render() {
return (<BlockGraph
// same configuration data
In the previous example we created a gesture recognizer that figures out if the user is doing a "move a block" vs "draw across multiple rows" gesture. The recognizer's job is to compare a graphEvent
with the current occuring gesture
and determine the new gesture that results.
Notice that the first thing the recognizer does is switch
on the graphEvent.type
value. We can take a page out of redux
's use and create a wrapper function that allows us to provide an object with keys that match event types mapped to functions that handle that specific event:
const mousedownRecognizer = (mouseDownGraphEvent, gesture) => {
if (graphEvent.block) {
// the user touched down on a block, start a move gesture
return { type: 'move-block', block: graphEvent.block, origin: graphEvent.graphContext };
} else {
// the user touched down on the graph but not on a block, start
// a multi-row drawing gesture
return { type: 'multiline', origin: graphEvent.graphContext };
// other recognizers not defined for brevity
const recognizer = onEventType({
'mousedown': mousedownRecognizer,
'mouseup': mouseupRecognizer,
'mousemove': mousemoveRecognizer,
const BlockGraph = withGestures(recognizer);
Each step of the recoginzer can be highly focused on turning an event and existing gesture into a new gesture. Even more of a bonus: these are very easily testable:
it( 'should detect a multiline gesture', () => {
const gestureA = recognizer(mockMouseDownEvent, null);
const gestureB = recognizer(mockMouseMoveEvent, gesture1);
const gestureC = recognizer(mockMouseMoveEvent, gesture3);
assertEqual(gestureA.type, 'multiline');
} );
Now we have a clear way to define how different combinations of events within <BlockGraph>
can be modeled to produce gestures. Most instances of the <BlockGraph>
will more than likely use the same gestures. But what those gestures do to the block data may be different.
The next step is teaching the <BlockGraph>
how a gesture might manipulate the data it is displaying.
The withGestures
higher-order component wrapper gives us a way to teach the <BlockGraph>
about gestures. The next step is teaching the <BlockGraph>
how those gestures change the blocks that the <BlockGraph>
is displaying.
The withGestures
wrapper adds a new prop to the <BlockGraph>
// other props
This function will be used by the withGesures
wrapper to compute the blocks that are being displayed due to the gesture change.
The applyGesture
prop is a function that takes a Gesture
and a set of blocks and produces the changes that need to happen to those blocks when the gesture is "committed".
In pseudo-code this would look like:
(Gesture, BlockData) => BlockDataModifications
The Gesture
object is the very one that would come out of our recognizer
function. So anything we define as returnable from recoginzer
can come into this function. The BlockData
object will be the list of blocks that we already provided to the <BlockGraph>
It is the job of this function to then provide an object with the shape of:
// list of blocks that the gesture updates with updated values
// this includes new blocks as well as blocks that already exist
modified: [],
// list of blocks that the gesture will delete
deleted: []
Here's a simple example of modifying the block based on a move-block
const applyMoveBlock = (gesture, blocks) => {
const timeDelta = (gesture.destination.timeIndex.seconds - gesture.origin.timeIndex.seconds);
const block = gesture.block;
const generated = {
// flag this block as one generetad by a gesture
gestured: true,
// endTime changes when dragging or expanding the right side
endTime: gesture.dragMode === 'left'
? block.endTime
: block.endTime + timeDelta,
// startTime changes when draggin or expanding left side
startTime: gesture.dragMode === 'right'
? block.startTime
: block.startTime + timeDelta,
// the row changes if dragging tho whole block, not just one side
row: gesture.dragMode === 'both'
? gesture.destination.timeIndex.row
: block.row,
// merge and split iterates over exiting blocks and changes the generated
// blocks that match the same row and time
const result = mergeAndSplit(
// don't include the block we're modifying
blocks.filter(({ uid }) => uid !== block.uid)
// remove any blocks less than 45 minutes
return { ... result, modified: result.modified.filter(b => {
return !b.gestured || b.endTime - b.startTime >= 60 * 45;
}) };
The applyGesture
function can indicate that nothing is modified by returning empty lists:
const applyGesture(gesture, blocks) => {
switch (gesture.block) {
case 'move':
return applyMoveBlock(gesture, blocks);
return { modified: [], deleted: [] };
The applyGesture
function at this point is only used to produce what can be considered temporary blocks. They only exist within the <BlockGraph>
to display how blocks will change according to the gesture the user is currently performing.
To allow the parent component to signal that the changes from the gesture should be made more permanent, the withGestures
wrapped component provides another prop named onGestureChange
. This is a callback function that gets called as new gestures are recognized. It is given three parameters:
- the new gesture that is happeningprevGesture
- the gesture it replacesgetModifications
- a function that well return the modifications a gesture would produce.
This allows the parent component to determine when a gesture's modifications should be dealt with in a more permanent matter. They could be sent into redux via an action, an HTTP request could be fired. It's up to the parent component to figure this out.
All tied together using a <BlockGraph>
would loook like this:
import withGestures from 'block-graph/with-gestures';
import recognizers from './recognizer';
const BlockGraph = withGestures(recognizer);
class Planner extends Component {
// truncated for brevity
* When the gesture changes, detect if it's a "commit" type gesture
* and if it is, signal to a parent that the modifications produced by
* that gesture should be chaged.
* @param {Object} gesture - last gesture produced by the recognizer
* @param {Object} prevGesture - the gesture before
* @param {Function} getModifications - function that returns the modifications produced by a gesture with the current block graph data
onGestureChange = (gesture, prevGesture, getModifications) => {
if (gesture.type === 'commit') {
* @param {Object} gesture - the gesture that is modifying the blocks
* @param {Array<Object>} blocks - the block data the gesture is modifying
* @returns {Object} - modified and deleted blocks produced by the gesture
applyGesture = (gesture, blocks) => {
// return any changes or by default no changes
return { modified: [], deleted: [] };
render() {
const { blocks, timeSpan, rows } = this.state;
const { tickWidth, rowHeight } = this.props;
return (
// not explained, but this would provide space in the blockgraph
// for the fixed header and sidebar
header: 36,
sidebar: 200,
// how to handle user interactions
// blocks and how to render them
pixelsPerSecond={(tickWidth * 4) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR}
// rows and how to render them
{/* Child components will be rendered beneath the blocks */}
<Gridlines /* gridline config data */ />
The "Common" demo displays about 600 block which is on the high end of what we would reasonably see in a days worth of "planning" in our current use case.
However it would be worth understanding the next steps we can take to achieve performance with higher levels of data.
There are two things to consider when tuning React performance:
- Reduce rendering updates to components. This can be done with
. - Reduce total quantity of items rendered. This can be mitigated with "windowing" when being asked to display lists of thousands (or more) items.
The "Thousands" option in the Demo uses a windowing strategy to reduce the number of blocks rendered at any given time. A similar strategy can be applied to rows.
The "Thousands" demo is applying gesture results in real time to all of the data. The next step here is to only operate on the data confined to what the windowing component is presenting.