
Automatic geolocation map

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Automatic geolocation map


The function whereami tries to locate where your computer is and produces a map of illuminated relief topography as new figure, centered on your position. whereami(HOST) allows to specify any host name or IP address. Other options are available (see examples below).

The function needs an internet connection, READHGT and DEM functions, also available at https://github/IPGP/mapping-matlab.


  1. Download zip files from the two archives: whereami and readhgt (includes dem.m);
  2. unzip and copy/move the following files in your working directory:
    • whereami.m
    • readhgt.m
    • readhgt_srtm_index.txt
    • dem.m
    • landcolor.m
  3. under Matlab or GNU Octave, go to your working directory and type following examples at the command prompt.


% makes a figure centered on your present position on Earth
% makes a figure centered on the IPGP institute in Paris, France.

% makes a figure centered on latitude/longitude 53.38°N / 13.06°E,
% which is the GFZ institute in Potsdam, Germany, with a 0.5° height.
whereami([53.38 13.06],0.5)


François Beauducel, beaudu, beauducel@ipgp.fr


Type doc whereami for help and syntax. See also View whereami on File Exchange users community comments.