
A POC Python Web Framework following MVC principles

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A POC Python Web Framework following MVC principles


This is a POC Framework that doesn't in any way claim to be secure or correct. It does not and will never guarantee compatibility or reliability and exists purely for educational purposes.

General description

Everything starts with Apache receiving a request. mod_wsgi executes index.wsgi located in the public directory, passing variables environ and start_response to a function called application (defined by the standard PEP 3333).

  • The environ dictionary contains all the information about the request such as SERVER_PORT, REQUEST_METHOD, SERVER_PROTOCOL, CONTENT_LENGTH, HTTP_USER_AGENT and others.
  • The start_response is a callable used to begin the HTTP response. Docs here

From now on, our framework is in controll and is responsible for returning the response headers and content. The application function in index.wsgi sets up global Application variables like request_url, base_path, public_path and builds the Request object that will be passed along to controllers.

Global Application Variables

import liteframework.application as App
Name Description
environ The original dictionary received from Apache
start_response The original callable function to start the HTTP response
base_path The root path of the application, essentially the project folder
public_path The path to the public directory
app_path The path to the app directory
resources_path The path to the resources directory
views_path The path to resources/views directory
global_functions Internal object, contains all the global functions declared by the framework and user
jinja_env The enviroment object of the template engine Jinja
routing_table Contains all the information about the user defined routes
cookies_pub The public RSA1024 key for cookie encryption, gets loaded from storage/keys/cookie_public.pem
cookies_prv The private RSA1024 key for cookie decryption, gets loaded from storage/keys/cookie_private.pem
config The ConfigParser object, that holds the application configuration read from config.ini
session Session object that gets created (or loaded) on each request

Request Object

Gets created and passed to every defined route with the name request Contains the following fields, that are accessed in the following manner

Name Description
port The port that was used to make the request, equivalent with SERVER_PORT
protocol Usually is HTTP/1.1, denotes the communication protocol
content_length The contents of any Content-Length fields in the HTTP request. If absent - the value will be zero
user_agent The request user agent
request_scheme http or https
remote_port The remote port from which the request was made
lang Language headers, might look something like that en-US,en;q=0.9,ru-RU;q=0.8,ru;q=0.7
content_type The contents of any Content-Type fields in the HTTP request. If absent text/html is considered
accept_encoding The encoding the user accepts as a response, might look something like this gzip, deflate, br
method GET, POST, PUT and others
url Relative url starting from the root; /index, /test/value are some examples
input Form input, if given
cookies Cookie values read from the HTTP_COOKIE header
new_cookies New cookie values that will be set during the runtime of the application. Will be sent to the user with the Set-Cookie header
params Python dictionary holding the GET parameter (key, value) pairs
url_no_params The request url without get parameters, for internal use in matching

What happens next

After the Application and Request have been initialized, the Router takes control. It will iterate through all the defined routes (the function route_url inside liteframework/routing.py) and will try to match one of them. After it succeeds, the subsequent controller method will be called.

Declaring a route

Routes are declared inside app/controllers folder. All the related or dependent routes should be placed in the same controller. The route register and register_post might be placed together in register_controller.py. This is the convention, but there are not limits to the number or naming of the controllers as they all are imported by the application. Obviously, all the files in the controllers folder must have controller functionality

import liteframework.controller as Controller 
import liteframework.routing as Routing 

@Routing.Route(url='/', method='GET')
def index(variables={}, request={}):
    return Controller.response_data('This is a test route')

The decorator Routing.Route binds the given url template to the declared function. As soon as any request matches the template - the given function will be called.

Routing.Route params

Name Description Type
url The template url to be matched, has a specific format which is described below String
method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE may be used, only the matching requests will be redirected to the function String
middleware Contains the list with names of the middleware to be called before the function, but after the match List
disabled Boolean value that activates/deactivates the route Boolean

Template format

A template should be relative, from the root, for example /main, /user/id, /profile Optionally, a template allows variables in the following format {<variable_name>::<variable_regex>}

  1. <variable_name> is how it will be named and passed along to the controller, for example user_id, page_id, etc.
  2. <variable_regex> is the python regex that should match the variable, for example \d\d will match two digits, [A-Z]{1, 5} will match a string containing letters from A to Z from 1 to max 5 times.

Some variable examples are

  1. {name::[A-Za-z]+}
  2. {id::[0-9]+}

A template can contain an indefinite number of variables with unique names.

  1. /user/{id::[0-9]{10}}/profile
  2. /product/{name::[A-Za-z_-]+}

All the variables will be passed along to the controller in the variables dictionary having their names as keys.


import liteframework.cookies as Cookies
Cookies.set_cookie(request, 'name', 'John Doe', expires_after_days=60)
name = Cookies.get_cookie(request, 'name', 'Unknown name')

The framework supports a very primitive version of cookies. They are encrypted with 1024 bit RSA and stored in the user's browser for 30 days but default or for expires_after_days. The encryption keys are genereated an stored as /storage/keys/cookie_private.pem and /storage/keys/cookie_public.pem.

  1. When the user sends an request, the script checks for the existence of the header HTTP-COOKIE, which will be parsed and kept in request.cookies internal object.
  2. When the user asks for a cookie, its value is extracted from the object and decrypted with the private key.
  3. When the user stores a cookie, it gets encrypted with the public key and saved in request.new_cookies and then added to the response as a Set-Cookie header

The current cookie functions are


Name Description
request Mandatory parameter, the received request object
key Mandatory parameter The cookie name
value Mandatory parameter The cookie value (will be encrypted)
path Cookie path
expires_after_days Number of days for the cookie to live
domain Cookie domain


Name Description
request Mandatory parameter, the received request object
key Mandatory parameter The cookie name
default Mandatory parameter The cookie default value if it's not found


Will invalidate the cookie by setting expire date to past

Name Description
request Mandatory parameter, the received request object
key Mandatory parameter The cookie name


  1. sudo apt-get update

  2. Install apache sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils libexpat1 ssl-cert python

  3. Install mod-wsgi sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

  4. Restart apache sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

  5. Add the config (with a proper name, and chaning all the names in the conf) cp docs/defaults/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/project.conf

  6. Enable the site sudo a2ensite project.conf

  7. Reload apache sudo service apache2 reload

  8. Install mysql

    sudo apt-get install mysql-server
    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
    sudo pip install MySQL-python
  9. Create the database and tables

  10. Copy the default docs/defaults/config.ini to the root and change all the necessary variables

  11. Enjoy