
Interacting with Virginia Woolf's novel _The Waves_

Primary LanguageRuby

Interacting with Virginia Woolf's novel The Waves.

Two programs:

  • waves_cut_up.rb

    Interactive cut-up (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cut-up_technique) of The Waves.

    The novel consists of nine sections, each with a "prelude." The user starts in section one, and moves to a subsequent section when s/he choses. At the start of each section, two randomly chosen consecutive sentences from the section's prelude are presented; after that, each time the user presses enter, a randomly chosen sentence from the section is presented with the speaker of the sentence identified.

    Sub-programs: sentence_splitter.rb, waves_speaker.rb, passage_array.rb, give_sentences.rb

  • waves_analyze.rb

    Returns paragraphs from the text containing a given word chosen by the user, with the chosen word in block capitals, and each paragraph's speaker identified.

    Returns information about a word's use (how much does each character use the word?).

    The user can choose one of the novel's nine sections, or look at the entire novel.

    Sub-programs: waves_speaker.rb, passage_array.rb, return_passages.rb, return_info.rb

The .txt files are parts of the text of the novel, obtained from Project Gutenberg http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0201091.txt