
Generate a changelog from git metadata

Primary LanguageJavaScript


$ npm install conventional-changelog

Generate a changelog from git metadata, using the AngularJS commit conventions.

Adapted from code originally written by @vojtajina and @btford in grunt-conventional-changelog.

Example output


  • Make it return a stream
  • Add a proper command line interface
  • Add configurable subjects & sections


Simple usage:

  repository: 'https://github.com/joyent/node',
  version: require('./package.json').version
}, function(err, log) {
  console.log('Here is your changelog!', log);

changelog(options, callback)

By default, calls the callback with a string containing a changelog from the previous tag to HEAD, using pkg.version, prepended to existing CHANGELOG.md (if it exists).

callback is the second parameter, and takes two parameters: (err, log). log is a string containing the newly generated changelog, and err is either an error or null.

options is the first parameter, an object. The following fields are available:

The Most Important Options
  • version {string} - The version to be written to the changelog. For example, {version: require('./package.json').version}

  • subtitle {string} - A string to display after the version title in the changelog. For example, it will show '## 1.0.0 "Super Version"' if codename '"Super Version"' is given. By default, it's blank.

  • repository {string} - If this is provided, allows issues and commit hashes to be linked to the actual commit. Usually used with github repositories. For example, {repository: 'http://github.com/joyent/node'}

  • from {string} - Which commit the changelog should start at. By default, uses previous tag, or if no previous tag the first commit.

  • to {string} - Which commit the changelog should end at. By default, uses HEAD.

  • file {string} - Which file to read the current changelog from and prepend the new changelog's contents to. By default, uses 'CHANGELOG.md'

The "I really want to get crazy" Options
  • versionText {function(version, subtitle)} - What to use for the title of a major version in the changelog. Defaults to '## ' + version + ' ' + subtitle.

  • patchVersionText {function(version, subtitle)} - What to use for the title of a patch version in the changelog. Defaults to '### ' + version + ' ' + subtitle.

  • commitLink {function(commitHash)} - If repository is provided, this function will be used to link to commits. By default, returns a github commit link based on options.repository: opts.repository + '/commit/' + hash

  • issueLink {function(issueId)} - If repository is provided, this function will be used to link to issues. By default, returns a github issue link based on options.repository: opts.repository + '/issues/' + id

  • log {function()} - What logging function to use. For example, {log: grunt.log.ok}. By default, uses console.log.

  • warn {function()} - What warn function to use. For example, {warn: grunt.log.writeln}. By default, uses console.warn.
