
Repro to test that regex with ranges aren't supported by ArgoCD Image Updater. Reported at argoproj-labs/argocd-image-updater#606.

Clone this repo and install the sample app in your cluster already running ArgoCD and ArgoCD Image Updater with:

git clone
cd argocd-image-updater-regex-range-poc/
kubectl apply -f app/application.yaml

Wait a couple of minutes for ArgoCD Image Updater to pick up changes, you can keep an eye on it with:

kubectl -n argocd logs deploy/argocd-image-updater --tail 20 -f

Notice how the new tag applied by ArgoCD Image Updater is shorttag123 instead of the more recent amuchlongertagwithnumbers1234:

kubectl -n argocd-regex-range-poc describe deploy/poc-deploy

(the former is a nginx:stable image, while the latter is a nginx:alpine image, just to make sure their hashes are different)

What's curious is that the utility argocd-image-updater test correctly parses the latest image with the same regex defined in the ArgoCD app manifest:

kubectl -n argocd exec -it deploy/argocd-image-updater -- argocd-image-updater test --update-strategy latest --allow-tags 'regexp:^[a-z\d]{11,}$'