
conflict with jquery

charlieblevins opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey bebraw!
I love color joe and really appreciate your work! It's a beautiful plugin.
I just wanted to make you aware that colorjoe does not initialize on any page that also has jquery. I've tested this by including jquery in the supplied demo files. I haven't had time to look into why this breaks colorjoe so I apologize for not offering more info. If I am missing something please feel free to correct me.

I'm really looking forward to using the plugin if this is a solve-able issue. Thank you for your hard work!

Thanks for letting me know! I'll look into it.


I traced down the issue. It looks like one.color installs itself to $.color if jQuery exists. colorjoe expects to find it at

I could try to detect this case on my side but that feels a bit strange. I'll open an issue at one.color to see what their thoughts are on the issue.

Cool! Thanks for checking into it. Looking forward to seeing what happens.

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 7:36 AM, Juho Vepsäläinen


I traced down the issue. It looks like one.color installs itself to
$.color if jQuery exists. colorjoe expects to find it at

I could try to detect this case on my side but that feels a bit strange.
I'll open an issue at one.color to see what their thoughts are on the issue.

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Charlie Blevins
423 762 8810

@charlieblevins The issue should be resolved now. Try updating one-color and giving it a go.