
Frontend monorepo example

Monorepo Basics

The @otus/fe-monorepo-example monorepo is managed by lerna. The lerna tools make it easier to manage dependencies and run scripts for testing, building, publishing, and deploying a repository that contains multiple JS packages.

The core application is in the /apps/otus-app directory. It and the other package directories are configured in the lerna.json file.

Check the lerna docs for more info.

If you want to run any of the lerna commands manually, you can use npx lerna.

Getting Started

  npm install

npm install should run lerna bootstrap and then lerna run build to build all of the packages and set up cross-package dependencies.

Note: to speed up installing dependencies locally, you can set the environment variable:

# ~/.zshrc

Starting the application

To start the core application locally run:

  npm start

npm start runs the core web application at the url https://localhost:4200.


  • To generate a new UI component run npm run generate.component.
  • To generate a new UI library run npm run generate.library.

Updating build and test (@otus/frontend monorepo-wide) dependencies

  1. npm install <package-name>@<package-version> --save-dev.
  2. Commit the result.

Updating individual package dependencies

  1. lerna add <package-name>@<package-version> --scope=<package-name>
  2. Commit the result.

Note that the package name that you use for the scope option above should be what is in the name field in the package.json file for that package (for example, packages/my-service/package.json is @otus/my-service).


The @otus/fe-monorepo-example project uses a combination of eslint, htmlhint, and stylelint for linting source code.

Linters are run and configured in the monorepo root so that they can be run and tied into git commit hooks (using husky).

Automatic Set Up With VScode

Install the following VS Code extensions:

In your VS Code settings add the following settings

  "javascript.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": true,
  "eslint.enable": true,
  "htmlhint.enable": true,
  "stylelint.enable": true,
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": true

Running tests

Tests are run and configured in the @otus/fe-monorepo-example monorepo root.

To run all of the unit tests run npm run test.

To run the tests for a specific package, run npx lerna run test --scope my-package.

To run tests in watch mode while you are making changes, run npx lerna run test.watch --scope my-package.