
YouPloader is a Java Youtube Uploader

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

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YouPloader is an Java based, multi platform YouTube uploader aiming to make uploads convenient and manageable. Inspired by the “Simple Java YouTube Uploader” by Dennis Fischer, which is no longer maintained and relies on Java 7 to work, I set out to create a spiritual successor to this nifty program. YouPloader is released under the MIT Licence. Currently YouPloader is in beta and the first releases have been published!


Writeup of compilation process & Pull requests


You can help translate YouPloader into your language. Simply check out /src/main/resources/lang/lang.properties Translate the strings into your language and save them as lang_(Two char iso code).properties (e.g. lang_fr.properties for French) Send a pull request and I will happily credit you!

Used Third Party Libraries, Code & Resources

SQLite (https://www.sqlite.org/) - Public Domain
JGoodies-Forms (http://www.jgoodies.com) - BSD open source license
Apache Commons (https://commons.apache.org/) - Apache License 2
MigLayout (http://www.miglayout.com/) - BSD open source license
Jackson-Core,Jackson-Databind,Jackson-annotations (http://wiki.fasterxml.com) - Apache License 2
Logback (http://logback.qos.ch)- Eclipse Public License 1.0
Guava (https://github.com/google/guava)- Apache License 2
Java Swing Library (https://github.com/oliverwatkins/swing_library)
RPi YouTube Uploader (https://github.com/DerET/rpi-youtube-uploader)
NativeJFileChooser by veluria (https://gist.githubusercontent.com/veluria/61ba57cad67e3c4f66b5/raw/76f8ab21c2373d71a329e4935d6a7888c0cddd9c/NativeJFileChooser.java) - BSD license.
Silk Icons (http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/) - Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

Build Status Codacy Badge