
This tool just check if a given file is PE

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

ReadPE project

This project is small program to read a binary file and indentify if this is a PE (Portable Executable) binary.

Note: Theses project was tested only in Windows and GNU/Linux (Debian 'like') Operation Systems. But I think is not so hard to build under/for other Unix 'like' Operation Systems too, like MacOS.

How to use the software

After compile the software you get the CLI binary to run.

Files for test

Note 1: There is a Putty.exe binary for test, as it is PE type.

Note 2: There is also file.txt for test, as it is not PE type and have 32 bytes (the minimal size this sofware ask for).

How to run the software

Just run the binary in CLI passing the file path to check.

For example, for verify if putty.exe is a PE file, type:

./readpe putty.exe

Compile/Install/Clean/Uninstall MANUALLY

In this section, we gonna consider Compile/Install/Clean/Uninstall procedures by use 'gcc' tools, however feel free to use your favorite IDE or other tools to achieve that.

Prerequisites: You need only 'gcc' tools installed in your build machine. If you use Windows OS, I suggest you achieve that by use MinGw framework; It also works if you have Cygwin installed.

Note: I suggest you run these procedures as Elevated Privileges (by use 'sudo', root, Admin (for Windows) or whatever...)

With that in place, you can Compile/Install/Clean/Uninstalls manually as following.

Libraries Compilation

If you use GCC compiler, the following CLI commands are proper to compile the 'petest' library:

for Windows

gcc -shared -fPIC -o libpetest.dll petest.c

for GNU/Linux

gcc -shared -fPIC -o libpetest.so petest.c

Libraries install

Once one library is compiled, the place to move libraries depends on Operation System used to compiling.

for Windows

I move the *.dll library to C:\Windows\System32 path.

for GNU/Linux

I move the a *.so library to /usr/lib path.

Binary compilation

If you use GCC compiler, the following CLI commands are proper to compile the 'readpe' source code. However, make sure that you already compiled the petest library and put it inside the 'lib' folder.

for Windows

gcc -o readpe.exe readpe.c -L.\lib -lpetest

for GNU/Linux

gcc -o readpe readpe.c -L.\lib -lpetest

Binary install

This install happen automatically when the library is installed

Compile/Install/Clean/Uninstall AUTOMATICALLY

In this section, we gonna consider Compile/Install/Clean/Uninstall procedures by use 'make' and 'gcc' tools, however feel free to use your favorite IDE or other tools to achieve that.

Prerequisites: You need the 'make' and 'gcc' tools installed in your build machine. If you use Windows OS, I suggest you achieve that by use MinGw framework; It also works if you have Cygwin installed.

Note 1: If you are using Windows OS as build machine, I suggest you rename the 'make' tools binary for call it 'make'. This avoid error, once Makefile commands use make tools by invock it by use 'make' word.

Note 2: I suggest you run these procedures as Elevated Privileges (by use 'sudo', root, Admin (for Windows) or whatever...)

With that in place, you can Compile/Install/Clean/Uninstalls automatically by two ways: 1 - By use Makefile (like most projects) 2 - By use Makefile modified (Quick way); it's default way in this project.

1 - By use Makefile

This procedures is going to compilation, Install, clean and uninstall software. The same apply to any library when it has a Makefile file as well.


To compile this software, just type:



To install this software, just type:

`make install`


To clean this software, just type:

`make clean`


To uninstall this software, just type:

`make uninstall`

2 - By use Makefile modified (Quick way)

This procedures consist to compilation/Install and clean/uninstall software by including the libraries in this process. This is a way I made to save time and that is the default way enabled in Makefile. You can read the Makefile comments, they are marked every point about this mode.


To compile and to install this software, including to compile and to install the libraries, just keep all: install target uncommented in Makefile, then type the following command:



To clean this software, including to clean the libraries, just keep clean: clean_lib target uncommented in Makefile, then type the following command:

make clean


To uninstall this software, we just have to uninstall the libraries, that means this uninstall target actually run the library Makefile uninstall target, then type the following command:

make uninstall

Other informations

The readpe_libless folder has this same project, except it is implemented without libraries. For now that folder is here, but I intend move it to a separate repositoty sooner. So ignore it please.


Programação Moderna em C.

Feel free to contribute with this project.

Thank you :-)