
Primary LanguagePython


Make your own ISPGR map

Tools needed

  • RStudio
  • Python IDE (e.g., PyCharm, Anaconda (Spyder), Jupyter notebook)

Help create the ISPGR dataset

Tools needed

  • GitHub account
  • Google Sheets/Excel (for larger changes)
  • GitHub or Git skills


  1. Fork (and clone if necessary) this repo.
  2. Download and import ispgr_dataset.csv into Google Sheets or Excel. (If the changes are minor, just edit in GitHub directly)
  3. Update!
  4. Export file as csv and push to your fork, i.e., <your GitHub handle>/ispgr.
  5. Make a PR to @beccarobins/ispgr and briefly describe your updates in a comment.
  6. I'll review as soon as I can.

Want to improve the code you've seen here?

I would like that too! Please create either a new branch or a fork of this repository and assign pull PRs to @beccarobins. I will review and merge in any updates that improve the usability or output of the scripts.


  • PR: pull request
  • Git