This repo contain the acceptance tests for the [template] service.
It is built using:
cucumber 1.2.4
java 1.8
Scala 2.11.7
SBT to build 0.13.16
Getting started Ensure that you have a working linux environment.
Execution In /src/test/scala/uk/gov/hmrc/integration/cucumber there are scala classes which control what is run according to the tests tagged with the below tags. The main class is Runner which selects and runs tests marked @. You can run ./ to run tests against a local version of the application
1. Ensure that you have installed InteliJ Idea
2. Once you have installed IDEA install Cucumber for scala
3. Clone this repo.
4. Import the project into InteliJ
Each part of the application's functionality is described by feature files. The feature files are arranged into folders under src/test/features and grouped into the main areas of the application. Each step of the feature files is defined by executable test steps in the scala code under the src/test/scala/uk/gov/hmrc/integration/test/stepdefs area and those utilise Page object models under src/test/scala/uk/gov/hmrc/integration/cucumber/pages which are the single place where page specific properties and variables are configured.
The example feature calls the Authority Wizard page and relies on the following services being started :
In order to run the tests via BrowserStack you need to create the following files with your BrowserStack username and automate key:
To get your username and automate key go here Alternatively if you select Username and Access Keys on the left tab your credentials will be displayed
Note displays the automate key as the access key.
Then you need to change the project name and description within the SingletonDriver.scala file. You can use the search everywhere function within IntelliJ (Ctrl + Shift + F) to find these entries.
- desCaps.setCapability("project", "projectName")
- desCaps.setCapability("build", "your project name Build_1.X")
For our first run this was set to:
- desCaps.setCapability("project", "projectName")
- desCaps.setCapability("build", "Local Complete TestBuild_0.1")
To add a browser to be tested via BrowserStack, a json object needs to be created within the itr-acceptance-tests/src/test/resources/browserstackdata folder with the following information: Note ideally these should be representing the latest versions of the chosen browser and/or devices.
Desktop browser:
- browser
- browser_version
- os
- os_version
Mobile Browser:
- browserName
- platform
- device
The title of the JSON file should be as follows: BS_OS/Device_Version_Browser_BrowserVersion
For Example:
Once the JSON objects have been created, these need to be added to the script.
To execute select script
Note i - if you only wish to run either the browsers or devices you need to remove the relevant entry from within
Note ii - the changes made to should not be pushed to GitHub and therefore you should make sure that this file is included on the gitignore file for your project
If there is a requirement to verify any text within your application users should create a file and place it in the following location where it can be referenced: