
A text-based adventure game framework, written in Python, running on Flask

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


##An old-school style text-based adventure game framework



  • A sample game can be previewed here
  • After installing, the sample game can also be run with the shell command python game_site.py and accessed at http://localhost:5000
  • Users can enter actions and interact with objects!
  • Games are saved using a custom serialisation method, and stored in a MongoDB database
  • Uses Flask sessions to remember which game is associated with a particular browser, so that users can go back to their last game


####You can easily create your own game world and play it using the built-in game engine

  • Rooms
    • Defined in scaffolding.py
    • Syntax -> Room(name, list_of_objects, description, dictionary_of_exits)
  • Objects
    • Inherit from Object (scaffolding.py) and any number of Mix-ins (properties.py)
    • Defined by a dictionary that must contain a list of bases, a dictionary of attributes, and a dictionary of methods (objects.py)
    • Created dynamically in creation.py, using the object's information dictionary
   chair_dict = {'bases': (Climbable, Gettable, Object),
                  'attributes': {'id': "chair", 'name': "chair", 'has_user': False, 
                  'description': "A sturdy wooden chair with dark wooden slats."}}
  • Game
    • A class that must create all objects and rooms in the init method
    • Once all rooms and objects are created, should be stored in the form: game = {'rooms': [room1, room2], 'location': room1, 'inv': [key]}
    • Example game can be found in test_game.py
  • Game engine
    • All game functionality is defined in game.py
    • To add a different game, replace from test_game import TestGame with from your_game_file import MyGameClass and replace base = TestGame() with base = MyGameClass()
    • Run the game in the shell with the command python game_site.py and visit http://localhost:5000 to play!
  • Additionals
    • Running the game with Flask happens in game_site.py
    • User action parsing is taken care of by grammar.py
    • HTML can be found in the static folder
  • Bugs
    • An incomplete list of these can be found in To do!