
Analysis of ADF vs Power BI dataflows

ADF vs Power BI Dataflows

Setting up a PBI Dataflow

  • Create a custom workspace in PBI Service.
  • Create a sample datasource - in my case, I spun up an Azure SQL Database and used the sample AdventureWorks database.
  • In PBI Service, use Get Data to connect to my datasource and selected a few sample tables.
  • Transform the data using the Power Query Editor.
    • Merged queries
    • Added/Removed/Renamed Columns
    • Disabled Load of Tables
    • Aggregated data
  • Perform an on-demand refresh
  • Refresh based on a schedule
  • Use Get Data from PBI Desktop to connect this dataflow from the customer workspace to product reports.

Configure PBI Workspace to access Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS)

Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-ca/power-bi/service-dataflows-connect-azure-data-lake-storage-gen2#prepare-your-azure-data-lake-storage-gen2-for-power-bi

Unfortunatley I could not preform this task as I only have access to my corporate PBI tenant, which I'm not an administastor on. One of the requirements is that ADLS account must be created in the same AAD tenant as your Power BI tenant.

Setting up an ADF Dataflow

  • Spin up a new ADF instance.
  • Create a Azure Storage with a blob container and uploaded a new blob, eg. test.csv. This will be the datasink for the ADF data flow.
  • Create 2 separate datasets within in the ADF using the same Azure Sql db as above, one for Customer and one for the CustomerAddress table.
  • Create a new Wraggling Data Flow in the ADF via the Author & Monitor with the 2 datasetes as the source and the blob storage test.csv as the datasink.
  • Transformed the data using the Power Query Editor.
    • Merged queries
    • Added/Removed/Renamed Columns
    • Disabled Load of Tables
    • Aggregated data
  • Create a new pipeline, add the data flow to it.
  • Run ondemand pipeline on demand check results in blob storage.
  • Scheudule the pipeline and check results in blob storage.