
Python API for the Verkehrsverbund Grossraum Nuernberg (VGN)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Asynchronous Python API for the Verkehrsverbund Grossraum Nuernberg (VGN).

Uses the official REST-API to query realtime public transport information for Nuremberg.

With the python 3.7 feature asyncio tasks fast and non-blocking queries are possible.

Read the docs for more information.

Consider installing cchardet and aiodns via pip for speedup (see the aiohttp documentation).


import vgn
import asyncio

async def main():
    async with vgn.VGNClient() as vgn_client:
        res = await asyncio.gather(
            vgn_client.departure_schedule_for_line(704, "U2"),
            vgn_client.rides(vgn.TransportType.BUS, 30),

    print(f'Api version: {res[0]}')
    print(f'Stations in nbg: {str(len(res[1]))}')
    print(f'Departures at plaerrer in nbg: {res[2]}')
    print(f'Departures of underground line 2 at plaerrer in nbg: {res[3]}')
    print(f'Bus departures in the next 30 minutes: {res[4]}')

if __name__ == '__main__':