
Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Boost is a tool for Filecoin storage providers to manage data storage and retrievals on Filecoin.

See the docs at https://boost.filecoin.io to get started.

Table of Contents

Building and Installing Boost

Compile and install using the instructions at the Building and installing section in the docs.

Running Boost for development

To run Boost on your development machine, you will need to set up a devnet:

  1. Remove any existing Lotus and Boost repositories
rm -rf ~/.lotusmarkets ~/.lotus ~/.lotusminer ~/.genesis_sectors
rm -rf ~/.boost
  1. Build Lotus in debug mode

The version of lotus needs to match the version in Boost's go.mod

cd lotus
git checkout <tag>
make debug
  1. Install Lotus

The devnet script uses the installed lotus and lotus-miner binaries to run the miner and daemon.

make install
install -C ./lotus-seed /usr/local/bin/lotus-seed
  1. Build Boost in debug mode

Double check if environment variables are set:

export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib
export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Build and install

cd boost
make debug
make install
  1. Start the devnet

The following command will use the binaries that you built and installed above, and will run lotus, lotus-miner and lotus-seed. The lotus version must match the version in Boost's go.mod.

cd boost

The first time you run it, it will download the Filecoin proof parameters. It will take at least 10 minutes depending on your connection speed. You may need to restart the command multiple times as your terminal will probably timeout before it finishes downloading everything.

The devnet isn't designed to be restartable. After it has been successfully run once, you'll have to clear out the previous data before re-running ./devnet:

rm -rf ~/.lotusmarkets && rm -rf ~/.lotus && rm -rf ~/.lotusminer && rm -rf ~/.genesis_sectors
  1. Wait for lotus-miner to come up (through the command above)

Unset these variables as they interfere with the lotus-miner command.


Then repeatedly run this command until it succeeds:

lotus-miner auth api-info --perm=admin
  1. Get the authentication tokens to connect to the lotus daemon and miner:
export ENV_MINER_API_INFO=`lotus-miner auth api-info --perm=admin`
export ENV_FULLNODE_API_INFO=`lotus auth api-info --perm=admin`

export MINER_API_INFO=`echo $ENV_MINER_API_INFO | awk '{split($0,a,"="); print a[2]}'`
export FULLNODE_API_INFO=`echo $ENV_FULLNODE_API_INFO | awk '{split($0,a,"="); print a[2]}'`

  1. Create the wallets needed for Boost
export DEFAULT_WALLET=`lotus wallet list | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
export COLLAT_WALLET=`lotus wallet new bls`
export PUBMSG_WALLET=`lotus wallet new bls`
export CLIENT_WALLET=`lotus wallet new bls`
  1. Add funds to the wallets
lotus send --from $DEFAULT_WALLET $COLLAT_WALLET 10
lotus send --from $DEFAULT_WALLET $PUBMSG_WALLET 10
lotus send --from $DEFAULT_WALLET $CLIENT_WALLET 10

Run this command repeatedly until each wallet you created has 10 FIL:

lotus wallet list

This should take about 10 seconds.

  1. Set the Publish Message Wallet as a control address on the miner
lotus-miner actor control set --really-do-it $PUBMSG_WALLET
  1. Add funds into the Market Actor escrow for the client and Collateral wallets
lotus wallet market add --from $DEFAULT_WALLET --address $CLIENT_WALLET 5
lotus wallet market add --address $COLLAT_WALLET 5
  1. Initialize Boost / Create Boost repository
boostd -vv init \
  --api-sealer=$MINER_API_INFO \
  --api-sector-index=$MINER_API_INFO \
  --wallet-publish-storage-deals=$PUBMSG_WALLET \
  --wallet-deal-collateral=$COLLAT_WALLET \
  1. Build the Web UI
make react
  1. Edit config to set a fixed listen address

Edit ~/.boost/config.toml

Set the port in the ListenAddresses key to 50000

  ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/0"]
  1. Run Boost
boostd -vv run

Note the peer ID of the boost instance:

2022-06-10T09:32:28.819Z        INFO    boostd  boostd/run.go:114       Boost libp2p node listening     {"maddr": "{12D3KooWQNNWNiJ1mieEk9EHjDVF2qBc1FSjJGEzwjnMJzteApaW: [/ip4/ /ip4/]}"}

In this example: 12D3KooWQNNWNiJ1mieEk9EHjDVF2qBc1FSjJGEzwjnMJzteApaW

  1. Set the peer ID and multi-address of the miner on chain
lotus-miner actor set-peer-id <peer id>
lotus-miner actor set-addrs /ip4/
  1. Open the Web UI

Open http://localhost:8080 to see the Boost UI

Make a deal with Boost

  1. Initialize the Boost client
boost init

This will output the address of the wallet (it's safe to run the init command repeatedly).

  1. Send funds to the client wallet
lotus send --from=$DEFAULT_WALLET <client wallet> 10
  1. Follow the guide at https://boost.filecoin.io/tutorials/how-to-store-files-with-boost-on-filecoin

Note that above you already ran a command to export FULLNODE_API (and point it to your local devnet lotus daemon).

Note also that the provider address is t01000 and you will need to supply an appropriate --storage-price when using boost deal since the devnet has a minimum price. Alternatively, using "Settings" in the Boost web UI to set the deal price to zero.

Running Boost devnet in Docker


Building Docker images

  1. Build images from the root of the Boost repository
make docker/all

On ARM-based systems (Apple M1/M2) you need to force building Filecoin's Rust libraries from the source

make docker/all ffi_from_source=1 build_lotus=1

If you need to build containers using a specific version of lotus then provide the version as a parameter, e.g. make docker/all lotus_version=v1.20.0-rc2 build_lotus=1. The version must be a tag or a remote branch name of Lotus git repo.

Start devnet docker stack

  1. Run
make devnet/up

It will spin up lotus, lotus-miner, boost, booster-http and demo-http-server containers. All temporary data will be saved in ./docker/devnet/data folder.

The initial setup could take up to 20 min or more as it needs to download Filecoin proof parameters. During the initial setup, it is normal to see error messages in the log. Containers are waiting for the lotus to be ready. It may timeout several times. Restart is expected to be managed by docker.

  1. Try opening the Boost GUI http://localhost:8080 . Devnet is ready to operate when the URL opens and indicates no errors on the startup page.

You can inspect the status using docker compose logs -f.

Start monitoring docker stack

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

cd docker/monitoring
docker compose up -d

Connect monitoring stack to devnet stack

docker network connect devnet tempo
docker network connect devnet prometheus

Explore Grafana / Tempo and search for traces

http://localhost:3333 (username: admin ; password: admin)

Making a deal

The boost container is packed with boost and lotus clients. You can connect to the container with the command docker compose exec boost /bin/bash and follow instructions for storing files with Boost guide. But the recommended startup is to follow the semi-interactive demo first:

# Attach to a running boost container
make devnet/exec service=boost

# Execute the demo script /app/sample/make-a-deal.sh
root@83260455bbd2:/app# ./sample/make-a-deal.sh

You can also generate, dense, random cars and automatically make deals by leveraging the script at ./docker/devnet/boost/sample/random-deal.sh. See the scripts comments for usage details.

Accessing Lotus from localhost

By default the docker-compose.yaml does not expose any port of the lotus container. To access the lotus from a local machine:

  1. You can either expose 1234 in docker-compose.yaml or find the IP of the lotus container using docker inspect lotus | grep IPAddress command.
docker exec -it lotus lotus auth api-info --perm=admin

docker exec -it lotus-miner lotus-miner auth api-info --perm=admin
  1. Change the dns/lotus/tcp/1234/http to ip4/< or container's IP>/tcp/1234/http for the use in FULLNODE_API_INFO.

Cleaning up

To stop containers and drop everything:

make devnet/down

rm -rf ~/.cache/filecoin-proof-parameters


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