
Webpack/Babel test case for falsely adding fat arrows with async functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '>' on Safari

Safari target browser isn't transpiling fat arrows when in production mode and transpiling async functions.


  • Run yarn
  • Run yarn test

Four files will be generated in dist/

  • development-ios_saf-9.js has no fat arrows
  • development-ios_saf-8.js has no fat arrows
  • production-ios_saf-8.js has no fat arrows
  • production-ios_saf-9.js has fat arrows

Async code being compiled

This is in index.js

module.exports = {
  async foo() {
    return "foo";
  async bar() {
    return "bar";

Production issue

If you inspect production-ios_saf-9.js, you can see fat arrows being added which break in iOS9.

foo: () =>