An nginx based reverse proxy container for routing http requests to various unrelated docker services
Copy the docker-override template and set any env specific values
cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml
Create any virtual hosts by copying the template and editing it
cp templates/default.conf.template.example mysite.conf.template
Once docker containers are up and running and configured to connect on the network "nginx-router" bring up this router
docker compose up -d
Create the local Certificate Authority
mkcert -install
Create certs for a domain
cd certs/
mkcert "*.localhost" localhost ::1
To move the root cert to another machine (or windows/linux on the same machine) simply copy the CAroot.pem to the location on the new maching and run mkcert -install
again. The location of the CAroot.pem can be found with mkcert -CAROOT